[Community Puzzle] Catching Up

Coding Games and Programming Challenges to Code Better

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Created by @ShawnLiang,validated by @Konstant,@anon79121980 and @Kktus.
If you have any issues, feel free to ping them.

Since when do we accept to validate a puzzle with a single test case but several validators??? There are some rules to respect about test cases and validators…and it is absolutly not the case here!

Since several times, it really becomes a lot of nonsense on some puzzle validations!

On this one, without the existence of some tests matching some validators there are people who will row a lot to find why their code does not work with one or two validators without their matching test cases!


Also inputs are inconsistent and contains irrelevant data. I don’t really need enemy’s and my spawn position… just actual one, that’s why we have game loop. Don’t like this one

Thanks very much for commenting.
I first thought that having validators means your testcases are better, so i made as much tests with validators as possible. Bruh

I have fixed this problem offline but I cannot update my project because of some errors in codingame server. I will upload the new version as soon as the codingame server is available.

Btw,the CG response that the issue will be fixed soon, but probably not before next thuesday.

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Thanks very much for commenting.

I will upload the new version as soon as the codingame server is available.

No offense :slight_smile: it was just prematurelly approved. Guess, the approvers didn’t even solve the problem. Keep on creating new content

i don’t understand when not changing the base code, just put a console.log(“D”) in javascript, or echo “D”; in PHP en get systematically “TIMEOUT” ?
maybe a probleme with the source program ? or a bad input specification ? or me ?

effectively, should use 1 input readline() for javascript instead of 2 in the loop !

Yes, it seems that the base code for parsing inputs is wrong but the puzzle is still approved without any follow-up somehow.

Yes but a nice and funny puzzle… specially with a lazy approach.

I feel that this should not be classed as an Easy puzzle - surely it should be Medium. Some have implemented A* to solve this.

For me, a BFS with random.


Yes, it should be medium level .Shortest Path like dijkstra’s or A star algorithm should OK.funny puzzle.

You should echo “D” in each game turn.

Very interesting puzzle, but there is still a problem with validators. Indeed, with a BFS I failed on the testscase Free Chase and yet validator is good. However very good puzzle, it’s a bit sad this problem with validators

I am glad that you are enjoying my game! Free Chase is a special while fun-to-solve test case. I am sure you will figure it out : D

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That was the only one that my solution got stuck on. But a two line change fixed that too. :slight_smile:

Warning: your code did not read all available input before printing an instruction, your outputs will not be synchronized with the game’s turns and unexpected behaviour may occur.

I don’t think it’s ok that my code first prints my next move and only then reads the enemy position and in this configuration it gets 100%, but if I read the enemy position first I get stuck in an infinite loop on the Free Chase test.