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I have an iterative deepening depth-first search solution for Chess Cavalry. It works, but I have to manually cut off the maximum depth of the search at an arbitrary depth. Does anyone have any hints on how I would search this puzzle space and know for sure that it’s impossible? How would I know that I have exhausted all possible paths?
Does your algorithm search a particular square more than once? If so, I suggest tweaking your algorithm so that this doesn’t happen. That way you will never search more nodes than there are empty squares.
Lookup flood fill: fixed memory method, it is very useful for a number of problems (although you will need to apply it using the knight’s movement).
Your algorithm should remember if a square has been already visited or not.
Every tests are ok
after submit, only test 4 ‘Protected king’ doesnt work.
Have you got other examples to understand pb and go through ?
Some variations based on test 4 :
8 8 8 8 8 8
....#... ....#..B ....#...
....##.. ....##.. ....##..
..E..#.. ..E..#.. ..E..#..
#...##.. #...##.. #...##..
.###...B .###.... .###....
........ ........ ..B.....
........ ........ ........
........ ........ ........
=> 5 => 5 => 3
Thanks a lot !!
and it goes bad for both… grrr.
Fyi i am using a BFS chess knight moves as “neighbours”