[Community Puzzle] Clash of Bots

Coding Games and Programming Challenges to Code Better

Send your feedback or ask for help here!

Created by @stivens,validated by @Zylo,@field3 and @pcruz.
If you have any issues, feel free to ping them.

A bug: Coding Games and Programming Challenges to Code Better

The same number of robots but tric had more health and it was draw. Per statement he should have won. It shows good on viewer but not in leaderboard.

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Anyone has some general tactic for winning? :sweat_smile:
The programming part is not hard
Coming up with a strategy is the hard part

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Try to find 2v1 or 3v1 situation.
Try to escape in 1v2 or 1v3 fight. Can do self destruction if your hp can absorb current round of hit.
Can move the robot around if nothing to do, in case you can join other fights.

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Hi, during reply of the match, the icons often turn into a small dot, which still represent the robots.
It only happens when I reply the match step by step, using left or right keys or scrolling in the output area.
Anyone facing same issue?
Image 8


I switch to a fullscreen mode to avoid this

Can anybody please explain how the League system works? I’m in Wood league (whatever that means), and apparently I can’t “complete” this project in my quest map until I pass to the next league. I don’t know if this is correct, or how to progress to a next league.
Thank you!

I suggest you check the bot programming tutorial Mad Pod Racing. You could also read the part about bot programming games here: Turn-based games

It seems that only the Wood League is open for this puzzle at the moment.

I see and I’m sorry. I’m selecting each puzzle of the week and I usually choose games with several leagues so the quest can be completed.

The puzzle of the week will change next Monday and you’ll be able to pass the quest.

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Thanks for a fun and addictive Puzzle of the Week. I really liked the fact that you didn’t get the whole grid, but rather the surrounding of each robot. It made for some fun tinkering :slight_smile:

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Gotcha.:slight_smile: UWU

The viewer fps drop at the end because new bullets are instanced each time a robot fire. Try to reuse the bullets in order to have better performances @stivens.
When you hide a bullet, instead of forgetting it use it next time instead to spawn a new one