[Community Puzzle] Dominoes Path

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3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Community Puzzle: Dominoes Path

While I was doing this puzzle, I had a solution that was passing all the test cases in the IDE except the one called: “Long path scrambled”.
Just by curiosity I submitted it anyway, thinking “it might just pass”. And it did, got 100% on the validation test cases.

Maybe a test case similar to this “Long path scrambled” should be added to the validation tests?

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I had the exact same experience. Could not pass Test 5: Long Path Scrambled, but received 100% on submission. (I do that b/c I think that makes it appear as In Progress.) Given the success rate of 74%, I am curious how many people that gave up because they couldn’t pass Test 5 would actually pass submission if they knew this. But before changing the validation test, maybe a re-examine of Test 5 first?

Am I the only one who stucked at “Long path scrambled” test ? It seems weird to me, because it should fail at the very top.

I think some people solving the tests and validators would fail this simple test :
0 1
1 2
3 4
4 5
5 3
(which should be false)
Too late, but a validator like this should have been added.

By the way, if the dominoes go in a perfect loop ( 0 1 -1 2 - 2 3 - 3 0), what should be the output, true or false ?