[Community Puzzle] Drug Interactions

Coding Games and Programming Challenges to Code Better

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Created by @Westicles,validated by @romain.wg,@abbecool and @Miki09.
If you have any issues, feel free to ping them.

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Is ā€˜Aā€™ and ā€˜aā€™ regarded as ā€œcommonā€? It is undefined.

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There was the same question in contribution, without answer.

Yes, ā€˜aā€™ and ā€˜Aā€™ are indeed the same letter. Surely you knew :slight_smile:

Edit: Joking aside, I clarified it in the text.

Surely you knew it should have been written.


Maybe it is a language thing? In English it is very clear as originally writtenā€¦ they are the same letter, but different characters.

If people ask for it, here and in the contribution page, itā€™s because itā€™s not clear.
Itā€™s not because itā€™s clear for you that itā€™s clear for anybody else. You donā€™t publish a puzzle only for you.

Moreover, I donā€™t know if a common repeated letter is counted only once or not. Itā€™s not in the statement.
One last thing: it does not seem to me that itā€™s a medium puzzle.

Maybe you kept your tab open and didnā€™t see it but the statement has been updated yesterday evening about repeating letters and now itā€™s fine.

I think it would be medium without a doubt with a slightly smaller n but with the current n I couldnā€™t complete it in python with a basic algo, I had to use additionnal tricks to pass testcase 5 (sorting and early breaks).
So it makes it medium++ for ā€œslowā€ languages.


I solve it with python3 and c++ with the same basic approach, without sorting or early breaks.
But I agree, itā€™s between medium and hard problem.

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I you donā€™t mind sharing your solution - not here ofc but in the dedicated section, Iā€™ll take a look at it.
Edit : I found a faster solution than my previous one that uses set intersection, it might be what you were thinking of. It doesnā€™t require sorting and early break indeed and is quite short.

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Done, I used only one simple recursive function :slightly_smiling_face:

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Nice! It is good to see people mostly liked this puzzle, except for the two people who really really hated it :stuck_out_tongue:

Itā€™s not a question of hate but a question of clarity.

Cool problem! I do agree that it was harder than the majority of medium-level problems.

My solution uses a recursive greedy approach with memoization. Though I basically had the correct approach early on, I kept failing on the final validator despite the fact that all of the tests were passing. If anyone else is having this issue, try the following test case:


The output should be 3 (my original algorithm would output 2).


I used greedy principle to re-order and trim off less possible nodes so as to reduce search space. It reduced processing time from some seconds to a flash. However it tends to give only an approximation of the correct answer when the data set is large.

After some days and nights of trial, finally I found that the easiest way is still to bruteforce it. Focus on optimizing the data structure, heavy use of hashing to reduce search time, and preventing re-calculation of intermediate results, combined to reduce processing time to stay well below the time limit.

Quite a nice exercise.


I think it would be a good idea to mention clique problem anywhere in the problem, so that learners wont be so lost:


I search a long time and reach 80% with two different algorithm.

Some documentations about clique:

(same site (canā€™t put more than 2 links in my post) ā†’ /bron-kerbosch-algorithm/ )

Honestly, I think it is a hard problem!

Unless Iā€™m mistaken, Iā€™m not sure there is an optimal solution for any data set.
For me, everything will depend on the order in which we run our algorithm.

Can you help ?
ā†’ [Forum thread for this problem] [Mod edit: Donā€™t open a separate thread when a thread already exists for a puzzle.]


Thank you in advance

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I have been looking for a long time for a solution to the following problem without success.

I search about clique (graph theory).
For me the problem is to find the biggest complete sub-graph from the graph.
Graph is composed from vertices (drug) and undirected edges (link to other compatible drug).

The only algorithm that works for me (bruteforce) is bron-kerbosch algorithm, O(3^(V/3)) : Using Bron Kerbosch algorithm to find maximal cliques in O(3^(N/3))
Of course, for V=100 (Test 5) it is impossible to process in convenable time.

The second algorithm (greedy approach) miss some solution, O(V^2).
(same site ā†’ /greedy-approach-to-find-single-maximal-clique/ )

I eliminate node with 0 edges ; and try to sort (reverse) to have the vertices with the most edges.
I reached 80% with greedy approach but for me it is not robust, it depend on the order.

If you have some leads or/and you can help for this puzzle, it would be great!!

Thank you in advance :slight_smile:

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Outstanding puzzle! Donā€™t give up if youā€™re still working on it. I understood almost none of what I read about maximal clique problems. I couldnā€™t figure out how to use memoization or the Bron Kerbosch algorithm. Somehow I got lucky early on and passed all the test cases, but I could only pass 60% of the validators and I had to start over. Then I got to 80% of the validators and I realized I had to start over again.

I finally had success when I focused on my looping technique and my recursion. There are a lot of combinations that can be explored. I eventually passed everything when I made sure I was pruning my options as much as possible before every recursive call used to add one more drug to the compatible group.

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