[Community Puzzle] Dungeons and Maps

What about this simple test?
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someone’s solutions, I think, will be broken :wink:

It breaks a couple of constraints:

There is always a T on the maps.
The given maps are representing the same dungeon, but the position for T may differ.

But starting at T’s position sounds interesting

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I get stuck on the 6th test case.

I don’t know how to find a valid path, with length, and how to check if there is a loop within a path?
Anybody please help me! (I prefer hints :slight_smile:)

For paths with loops you have to keep track of where you’ve already been one way or another, with information of distance from the start. Then if a path leads you back to a spot you’ve already visited, you should not continue that way if your current distance is greater or equal to the old one, because you know you won’t do better.


Your reply makes me have a good idea, and finally I can solve it.
Thanks indeed, brother!

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2 2
0 0

The PUCIT solution is broken on test 1 (the cycle is controlled only by the starting point)
Solution by TheRipperJack is broken on test 2 (not controlled borders)
The solution from TetraktysPhi also controls the loop only by the initial position, and the second error is in the map
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Simple rewrite current position with ‘.’ :wink:

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Hi, I don’t get the “Many maps” one, as I don’t understand why the output should be 2. We always start on a dot, isn’t that game over ?

Hey !
Have you noticed that the start position is not given in the x,y form, but in the row,column form ?

Cool. First draft if you’re interested: https://www.codingame.com/contribute/view/5470caf10bcfaf3298c18f0934e3567ddf06

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in map:











path length: 12

start point here:


@Di_Masta @Niako after playing around with it a bit, i’ve found that the issue with OCaml is related to multi-command loop lines. I resolved the issue in my own contributions by replacing:

loop N read name:word(10) R:int


loop N read resistor:string(20)

here is the forum post i’ve made about this:

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@Schwase I answered in the other thread.

About the current contribution (invoking @TwoSteps), here is the incorrect generated OCaml code:

     1	(* Auto-generated code below aims at helping you parse *)
     2	(* the standard input according to the problem statement. *)
     4	let w, h = Scanf.scanf " %d  %d" (fun w h -> (w, h)) in
     5	let startrow, startcol = Scanf.scanf " %d  %d" (fun startrow startcol -> (startrow, startcol)) in
     6	let n = int_of_string (input_line stdin) in
     7	for i = 0 to n - 1 do
     8	    for j = 0 to h - 1 do
     9	        let maprow = input_line stdin in
    10	        ();
    11	    done;
    13	    ();
    14	done;
    17	(* Write an answer using print_endline *)
    18	(* To debug: prerr_endline "Debug message"; *)
    20	print_endline "mapIndex";

And here is for instance what should be generated instead:

     4	let w, h = Scanf.sscanf (input_line stdin) " %d  %d" (fun w h -> (w, h)) in
     5	let startrow, startcol = Scanf.sscanf (input_line stdin) " %d  %d" (fun startrow startcol -> (startrow, startcol)) in

Thanks for the additional details (I had reported the issue already)


Yes, You could make new string and simply add rows together.
I did string with 3 dimension array, map[3][6][6] . This way I have packed all maps in one name.

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I’ve made my implementation based on wrong assumption, and I know it is wrong. However I managed to pass all tests. If you want identify my case you need add test case:
“King’s protector”



c1, ‘K’
e8, ‘k’
c2, ‘q’
g6, ‘b’
g2, ‘Q’

That was fun! I liked having a little bit of story to start out with :grinning:.

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There is a little known wizard called Gandalf the White, who wielded a staff and a sword simultaneously.

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Hey everyone, I am stuck in the logic with the example :

W = 4 H = 4
startRow = 1 startCol = 1
N = 3







The Case 1 should be the solution, but if I start on the position 1, 1, I am surrounded with only “.” and no move.

Any suggestions on that ?
Thank you

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