[Community Puzzle] Hidden word

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Hello every one.

I am stuck in puzzle ‘hidden word’ for the last test and I would like some help :slight_smile:
We should find : ‘CODNGAME’ and I get : ‘CODNDNGAMEG’ (so 3 extra caracters)

Since letters are displayed from left to right, and then from top to bottom, I can deduce the position (X and Y) of my extra letters.
Here is what I get :

Letter : C at X : 1 and Y : 0
Letter : O at X : 11 and Y : 0
Letter : D at X : 9 and Y : 3
Letter : N at X : 10 and Y : 3
Letter : D at X : 11 and Y : 3
Letter : N at X : 2 and Y : 4
Letter : G at X : 11 and Y : 6
Letter : A at X : 9 and Y : 7
Letter : M at X : 11 and Y : 7
Letter : E at X : 1 and Y : 10
Letter : G at X : 2 and Y : 10

So let’s take the first extra caracter : D, located at (11 ; 3)
Words containing the leter ‘D’ are :


When I try to manually deduce the matching word, it cannot be a word from the previous list. So, if I am not wrong, this letter should appear in the output, because this letter is not used.

Can you tell me which matching word is associated with with the letter located at (11;3) ?

Many thanks

Ok, I saw my mistake. It is the letter ‘D’ located at (9 ; 3) which should not be outputed. It a part of the word ‘GRAUBUNDEN’.

Sorry for this topic

You can solve it by hand!

Exactly the same code from the first puzzle (word-search-for-programmers) works here after adjusting for different format of input and changing from adding letters to the final board to deleting letters from the final board and finally accounting for how output should be displayed. Took less than a minute after copy-pasting from first puzzle.

Nope, mine is the first puzzle. :wink: