[Community Puzzle] Jack Silver: The Casino

Hi there,

I am validating all tests in the IDE, but when I submit I don’t validate test #7 which is not shown in the IDE.
Can anyone advise please? I’m stuck at 75% validation.


You probably missed what hemhel posted just above.
On this problem, the value 0 should not be considered as EVEN… but not as ODD neither.

Hope it helps


Well I found one strange thing,it is not a bug but it may cause some problems.
I try to check if it is “PLAIN” like this
Console.ReadLine().Split(’ ‘).Count() == 3 and in final test I get only 50%
After I changed it to
Console.ReadLine().Split(’ ')[1].Equals(“PLAIN”)
I get 100%
So probably there is too much unnecessary spaces in some test cases.


I don’t understand I passed all tests but not the last 2 validators (python 3)
I don’t understand why : 0 well treated etc…
Does anyone encountered this kind of bug ?

Thank you for the hint, that saved me!

I think the puzzle owner should fix that!

I’m not the creator but I just updated the contribution. Thanks for reporting and sorry for taking 2 years to react.