[Community Puzzle] Jack Silver: The Casino

Coding Games and Programming Challenges to Code Better

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Is there something I don’t understand about this puzzle? I did the math by hand and got the same answer for the first test as my program, which was 15563. But the answer should be 1153.

[I removed the code]

No full code please, just explain your algorithm instead. :slight_smile:
There is nothing wrong, I solved it.

You were adding too much money! Here’s how this works:

You have $4, so you will bet $1.

If you bet on ODD and lose, you have $3.
If you bet on ODD and win, you have $5.
If you bet on EVEN and lose, you have $3.
If you bet on EVEN and win, you have $5.
If you bet on PLAIN and lose, you have $3.
If you bet on PLAIN and win, you have $39.

Your code does not return 3, 5, 3, 5, 3, 39 for the above scenarios. It returns 3, 6, 3, 6, 3, 40. Take another look.

  • danBhentschel

I have an issue with this puzzle.

It is a pretty simple puzzle though I can’t get 100%.
I checked the math, I do everything correctly, All the tests passes but when I submit Test#7 dramatically fails.

I don’t know what special cases it focuses but I check output boundary which are false since it is said
1 <= MONEY <= 1000000 but Test#3 expect a 0 dans money (and cash) can exceed 1 000 000 on 0 is not EVEN.

I also tried to check the number of round (I was looping until nothing more come on stdin). It still dont pass.
Does anybody has a clue for the direction I should look at ?

Hi, just did this puzzle, didn’t notice any problem (except the little mistake in the constraint of Money).
You should try to test with your own “custom” test cases to see how your code is working for all possibilities, doing them one by one might help you to find where your code isn’t working.

These are my unit tests (in Rust)
fn test_plain_win() {
    let mut cash = 100;
    play(&mut cash, &"32 PLAIN 32".to_owned());
    assert_eq!(cash, 975);
fn test_plain_lose() {
    let mut cash = 100;
    play(&mut cash, &"32 PLAIN 15".to_owned());
    assert_eq!(cash, 75);
fn test_even_win() {
    let mut cash = 100;
    play(&mut cash, &"32 EVEN".to_owned());
    assert_eq!(cash, 125);
fn test_even_lose() {
    let mut cash = 100;
    play(&mut cash, &"15 EVEN".to_owned());
    assert_eq!(cash, 75);

    play(&mut cash, &"0 EVEN".to_owned());
    assert_eq!(cash, 56);
fn test_odd_win() {
    let mut cash = 100;
    play(&mut cash, &"31 ODD".to_owned());
    assert_eq!(cash, 125);

    play(&mut cash, &"0 ODD".to_owned());
    assert_eq!(cash, 157);
fn test_odd_lose() {
    let mut cash = 100;
    play(&mut cash, &"32 ODD".to_owned());
    assert_eq!(cash, 75);
fn test_0_cash() {
    let mut cash = 0;
    play(&mut cash, &"32 ODD".to_owned());
    assert_eq!(cash, 0);

    play(&mut cash, &"15 ODD".to_owned());
    assert_eq!(cash, 0);

    play(&mut cash, &"32 EVEN".to_owned());
    assert_eq!(cash, 0);

    play(&mut cash, &"15 EVEN".to_owned());
    assert_eq!(cash, 0);

    play(&mut cash, &"32 PLAIN 15".to_owned());
    assert_eq!(cash, 0);

    play(&mut cash, &"32 PLAIN 32".to_owned());
    assert_eq!(cash, 0);
fn test_1_cash() {
    let mut cash = 1;
    play(&mut cash, &"15 ODD".to_owned());
    assert_eq!(cash, 2);

    play(&mut cash, &"32 ODD".to_owned());
    assert_eq!(cash, 1);

    play(&mut cash, &"32 EVEN".to_owned());
    assert_eq!(cash, 2);

    play(&mut cash, &"15 EVEN".to_owned());
    assert_eq!(cash, 1);

    play(&mut cash, &"32 PLAIN 32".to_owned());
    assert_eq!(cash, 36);

    play(&mut cash, &"32 PLAIN 15".to_owned());
    assert_eq!(cash, 27);
fn test_all_even() {
    for ball in 0..37 {
        let mut cash = 100;
        play(&mut cash, &format!("{} EVEN", ball));
        if ball % 2 == 1 || ball == 0 {
            assert!(cash == 75, "unexpected lose: {} EVEN", ball);
        } else {
            assert!(cash == 125, "unexpected win: {} EVEN", ball);
fn test_all_odd() {
    for ball in 0..37 {
        let mut cash = 100;
        play(&mut cash, &format!("{} ODD", ball));
        if ball % 2 == 1 || ball == 0 {
            assert!(cash == 125, "unexpected win: {} ODD", ball);
        } else {
            assert!(cash == 75, "unexpected lose: {} ODD", ball);
fn test_all_plain() {
    for target in 0..37 {
        for ball in 0..37 {
            let mut cash = 100;
            play(&mut cash, &format!("{} PLAIN {}", ball, target));

            if ball == target {
                assert!(cash == 975, "unexpected win: {} PLAIN {}", ball, target);
            } else {
                assert!(cash == 75, "unexpected lose: {} PLAIN {}", ball, target);
fn test_lose_for_0_to_1_000_000() {
    for bank in 0..1_000_001 {
        let mut cash = bank;
        play(&mut cash, &"32 ODD".to_owned());

        assert!(cash == (bank - ((bank as f64)/4.).ceil() as usize), "failed for bank={}", bank);
fn test_win_for_0_to_1_000_000() {
    for bank in 0..1_000_001 {
        let mut cash = bank;
        play(&mut cash, &"32 EVEN".to_owned());

        assert!(cash == (bank + ((bank as f64)/4.).ceil() as usize), "failed for bank={}", bank);

And they all pass.

Hm, nailed it.

Actually that was a misunderstanding. 0 is considered neither odd nor even. I went too fast on this one.

Thank you.

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Pass all tests but get only 50% when submitting.Something I may forgot?


My mistake was that 0 is neither odd nor even.
Have you checked that ?

Yes I did…

0 is even but in this game it’s a special value.

Looks like the validators “Target #6” and “Target #7” include extra white space at the end of the line after a PLAIN bet. If you fail those two, check if that extra space would meddle with how you parse the input.


Thank you! :slight_smile:

Thanks to your help, i made it to 100%
I thought 0 was considered as an odd, since it’s not an even.

Long time, but may be useful for new users. You got that result because you are adding the bet result to your full money instead of 3/4 of your money (since 1/4 was your bet).

That’s exactly what I was thinking too. I even redid all of my code like 5 times trying to get 7 to work.

Hi, can you give me some clue? In my code 0 is neither odd or even, I deleted doubled spaces, or space if it appeared at the end of line. What else can I do to reach “Target #6”? I made this puzzle to 75%

Hello, i can’t pass the last test (0 is not even). But it is known that 0 is EVEN. Do i need to do things not based on real logic and math and consider it not EVEN here ?

As it is stated in the puzzle description :

  • The target’s calls, CALL, can be one of the three possibilities:
    – EVEN - He bets on an EVEN (non-zero) number
    – ODD - He bets on an ODD number
    – PLAIN - He bets on a specific number: NUMBER

Here the bets are similar to the roulette, 0 is a losing bet for EVEN and ODD bets :