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Created by @snoyes,validated by @murrayr,@kuroi and @kiwijam.
If you have any issues, feel free to ping them.
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Created by @snoyes,validated by @murrayr,@kuroi and @kiwijam.
If you have any issues, feel free to ping them.
I can’t solve validator 5 “Only One”. I’ve tried hardcoding “MISSING”, “INDETERMINATE”, and the name of the first cyborg with all elimination logic commented out – all failed. I’m mystified, leaning towards an input reading bug of some kind that’s causing my code to crash or not read the name of the first cyborg at all. Any ideas?
how can i see others code on that queston n clash n code
In the testcase “Only One” there is 1 Cyborg, 0 Mayhem data, 1 Cyborg data.
In the validator “Only One” there is 1 Cyborg, 1 Mayhem data, 0 Cyborg data.
You have to solve a puzzle first to see others solutions.
You only see the solutions for the languages you solved it with.
As for Clash of Code, some users share their solution, some don’t (in general people share them for fast and reverse mode but people tend to hide them more in short mode to avoid giving away all their tricks).
Thanks; just what I needed to know! My code was hanging trying to consume a newline after reading cyborgReportCount.
Hi there,
I got some bugs in this challenge or maybe i’m missing something, i’ll let you tell me.
Here is the problem, on validator 2,3,4.
Issue validator 2 :
cyborg name : GROUCHO
cyborg name : HARPO
cyborg name : CHICO
mayhem report: Mayhem’s hat is a TYROLEAN ALPINE
mayhem report: Mayhem’s companion is a HONEY BADGER
cyborg report : GROUCHO’s neckwear is an INT OF PEARLS
cyborg report : HARPO’s catchphrase is “You will not CATCH me SLEEPING”
cyborg report : GROUCHO’s companion is a RAVEN
cyborg report : GROUCHO’s hat is a TYROLEAN ALPINE
cyborg report : HARPO’s hat is a BERET
cyborg report : HARPO’s neckwear is a FEATHER BOA
Trouvé :
cyborg name : G…
Attendu :
As you can see, there is no report for CHICO, while the correct answer is actually CHICO
Issue validator 3 :
mayhem report: Mayhem’s word is “DOUBLE”
cyborg report : UHOH’s catchphrase is “DOUBLE TROUBLE”
cyborg report : TYPO’s catchphrase is “I DOUBLE DARE you”
cyborg report : OHNO’s neckwear is a PAISLEY SHAWL
cyborg report : TYPO’s companion is a BOWL OF PEANUTS
cyborg report : UHOH’s neckwear is a DOG COLLAR
cyborg report : TYPO’s hat is a STRAW BOATER
cyborg report : OHNO’s catchphrase is “I will make your TROUBLE DOUBLE”
cyborg report : OHNO’s companion is a PANTS WEARING PANGOLIN
cyborg report : DITTO’s hat is a GINGHAM BONNET
cyborg report : TYPO’s neckwear is a LACE RUFF
cyborg report : DITTO’s neckwear is a CRAVAT
cyborg report : ERGO’s companion is a CUBE
cyborg report : SPEEDO’s catchphrase is “You BETTER BOOK it”
cyborg report : ERGO’s catchphrase is “FIGHT me if you DARE”
cyborg report : UHOH’s companion is a PARASITIC DRAGON
cyborg report : ERGO’s hat is a PROPELLER BEANIE
cyborg report : SPEEDO’s hat is a GOLD CROWN
cyborg report : SPEEDO’s companion is a UNICORN
cyborg report : SPEEDO’s neckwear is a WALL CLOCK
cyborg report : OHNO’s hat is a ROASTED TURKEY
Trouvé :
mayhem report: Mayhem’…
Attendu :
Indeterminate match to : If more than one cyborg could be Mayhem, output INDETERMINATE.
But none of the cyborg report match to Mayhem’s report, so the Output should be MISSING
Missing match to : If none of the listed cyborgs could be Mayhem, output MISSING
Issue validator 3 :
mayhem report: Mayhem’s hat is a LAUREL WREATH
mayhem report: Mayhem’s word is “DANGER”
mayhem report: Mayhem’s neckwear is an ASCOT
mayhem report: Mayhem’s companion is an AMORPHOUS BLOB
cyborg report : MELLOW’s hat is a LAUREL WREATH
cyborg report : YELLOW’s hat is a LAUREL WREATH
cyborg report : FELLOW’s hat is a LAUREL WREATH
cyborg report : BELLOW’s hat is a LAUREL WREATH
cyborg report : JELLO’s hat is a LAUREL WREATH
cyborg report : HELLO’s hat is a LAMPSHADE
cyborg report : CELLO’s hat is a BOWLER
cyborg report : MELLOW’s neckwear is an ASCOT
cyborg report : YELLOW’s neckwear is an ASCOT
cyborg report : FELLOW’s neckwear is an ASCOT
cyborg report : BELLOW’s neckwear is a STETHOSCOPE
cyborg report : JELLO’s neckwear is an PENDANT
cyborg report : HELLO’s neckwear is an ASCOT
cyborg report : CELLO’s neckwear is an ASCOT
cyborg report : MELLOW’s companion is an AMORPHOUS BLOB
cyborg report : YELLOW’s companion is a FISH OUT OF WATER
cyborg report : FELLOW’s companion is an AMORPHOUS BLOB
cyborg report : BELLOW’s companion is an AMORPHOUS BLOB
cyborg report : JELLO’s companion is an AMORPHOUS BLOB
cyborg report : HELLO’s companion is an AMORPHOUS BLOB
cyborg report : CELLO’s companion is an AMORPHOUS BLOB
cyborg report : MELLOW’s catchphrase is “CARE for a game of CATCH”
cyborg report : YELLOW’s catchphrase is “FOLLOW me for DANGER”
cyborg report : CELLO’s catchphrase is “STRANGER DANGER”
cyborg report : BELLOW’s catchphrase is “DANGER is my MIDDLE name”
cyborg report : JELLO’s catchphrase is “I LIVE for DANGER”
cyborg report : HELLO’s catchphrase is “You are in DANGER of my WRATH”
cyborg report : FELLOW’s catchphrase is “TIPTOE through the TULIPS”
Trouvé :
mayhem report: M…
Attendu :
The result of matches is : {‘MELLOW’: 3, ‘YELLOW’: 2, ‘FELLOW’: 3, ‘BELLOW’: 2, ‘JELLO’: 2, ‘HELLO’: 2, ‘CELLO’: 2}
As you can see, there is more than one matches, so output should be INDETERMINATE due to the definition.
I’m currently developing in Python on Mozzila Firefox, let me know if you have answers for that problem, thanks.
You also have to check for any contradictions.
The whole game is eliminating the wrong answers and seeing what is left.
GROUCHO has the wrong companion and HARPO has the wrong hat, so both are eliminated. Only CHICO is left.
The only information useful to eliminate cyborgs is the catchphrase word DOUBLE. SPEEDO and ERGO are eliminated because they do not have the correct word. But UHOH, TYPO, and OHNO all have the correct word, and we don’t know what DITTO says, so the output is INDETERMINATE.
MELLOW and FELLOW have the wrong catchphrase. YELLOW has the wrong companion. BELLOW and JELLO have the wrong neckwear. HELLO and CELLO have the wrong hat. All known cyborgs have been eliminated.
Thanks for the answer.
Now, i need to make a complete different algorithm ^^’.
There seems to be an issue with submit validator 4; ‘Only One’, it fails despite all other tests and validators including the normal test for ‘Only One’ working perfectly. I’ve tested every possible edge case for my code and nothing has failed so I’m not sure what’s happening.
Would you please clarify which validator you are talking about? Validator 4 is “Nobody Left” and Validator 5 is “Only One”.
After checking, it turns out i simply forgot to test for strings containing ‘an’ while parsing, the validator works fine. I’m not able to check now but it was either the 4th or 5th post-submit validator (One of the validators used to prevent hardcoding)