[Community Puzzle] Night Of War


Send your feedback or ask for help here!

Created by @jrke,validated by @Konstant,@jacek1 and @trictrac.
If you have any issues, feel free to ping them.

There is some bug in leaderboard. I solve it in C#, but leaderboard shows Python 3 instead of C#. O_o


Same. I used C++ but it shows Python 3.

This is supposed tobe the weekly puzzle challenge, but I don’t understand what I am supposed to do to complete it.

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thanks for reporting. This issue has been solved

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Hi everyone,

If I try to push up the depth of my minimax algorithm, I sometimes get a “defeated - error!!!” end screen but with no error message in the console output.

Is that because my program is too slow?


There is a little problem to me :
At first move, my soldier is facing right and I order a MOVE 1 RIGHT but the answer is CANNOT MOVE SOLDIER OF ID 1 TOWARDS RIGHT.
Any idea of the problem ?

Hi there! I identified a bug in this challenge. Where / how can I submit more details about it?

You may provide the details here.

Ok. Well, you can use opponent’s soldier to attack.

Can you share a replay which shows the “bug”? Please also specify which turn that happens, which units you are talking about, etc.

Sure: Coding Games and Programming Challenges to Code Better
Any opponent soldier.

ah thats weird that i missed that check in my code! thanks for pointing it out i will fix it soon and will let you know!

bug: you can order the opponent soldier to attack itself

Hey @jrke (and @5DN1L), is there any plan to fix this “ATTACK oppSoldierId oppSoldierId” bug?

Currently, this game is totally broken, since you can force a win as first player in 17 turns. If the first player is not exploiting the bug optimally, you can force a win in in 18 turns. Right now, the top 5 players (including my PoC) all seem to exploit the bug optimally.

It’s really just an additional condition in this Code here.

The game itself seems great to learn implementing Minimax-algorithms. It would be great, if the ranking would be based on true AI development skills :slight_smile:

I’m sorry, I’m afraid I’m unable to fix the bug on behalf of the author :sweat_smile:

And the author was last seen on this forum last month, so you’ll have to wait for them to visit the forum again to read your message.

just fixed the bug guys! sorry was busy last few moths, now fixed you can check it out :grinning:


thank you @jrke for the fix! I can confirm that the fix works (although the ranking seems not to be affected by it yet, probably it takes a few submissions for it to align). And thanks for contributing to this platform in your spare time :D, even when being busy!