[Community Puzzle] Scrabble score - Puzzle discussion

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Created by @Remi,validated by @cedricdd,@Rafarafa and @aflorido.
If you have any issues, feel free to ping them.

It was not that easy, but this is a great puzzle. The test cases are well formed so they cover all the possible scenarios. Well done creating it!



I have an issue with the validator 11 which is the only one I miss to pass.
Would someone clarify if there something specific versus its pair IDE test?

Thank you

In the validator, the new word is on 2 ‘W’ special cells (instead of 2 ‘w’ in the test). There is also a ‘l’ cell.
The word in on the border of the board, but there are other tests with that.

interesting and fun puzzle but putting this in “easy” is just rude.


I have the same problem with validator 11. Checked many times and did not find logic defects. Can someone give more hints please? Or I will got mad :scream:

According to your hints, I made test 11 like this:

....Wl....W....              MODIFIED  FROM   ....w.....w....

the result is correct in my logic, so ,give me more hints, please! :pleading_face:


I found my bug, may it could be the same for you.
The number of tiles for bonus is not set in the same way.
May you need to check the robustness of your code for its computation.

I’ve just inverted test 11 and validator 11, so that you can debug your algorithms.
I don’t understand why validator 11 is different from test 11, but if 2 persons found a problem, maybe other will have problem in the future.
It should be ok now to debug it.

I’ve passed successfully all the test cases, but idk why the validators 4 and 11 are failing :frowning:

Validator 4 might be the only one with a word that ends on the last line, I’m gonna change that this week-end.


Validator 11 : I don’t know what to do, I inverted today with test 11 because there were problems with 2 people. But I don’t see any trap that is not in other tests/validators.

Maybe ask those players for their debugging findings or code to see what’s gone wrong? You may also consider splitting Test/Validator 11 into two pairs if that gives better case coverage.

Finally I found my problem, I misunderstood the sentence “w/W : multiply by 2/3 the score of the entire word”, for example: ‘…W…W…’, According to the test results, it should be [word_score]x3x3, but I made it [word_score]x(3+3). This is purely a deviation in understanding the rules of the game. There may be others where this misunderstanding occurs, so I recommend adding more detailed examples in the game description.

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Ok, and 2+2 made no differences with 2x2 … ok I’m gonna add new tests cases soon.

Tests and validators added. Hope there won’t be other problems.

Thanks a lot for this great puzzle !
Easy to understand and really complete in its tests.
The only little thing I would change is the use of letters to distinguish the bonus cases.
Thanks again !

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Yes, I agree with others, very nice puzzle, Remi.

On Test 11 your fellow players would surely challenge that though !!
What 5 letter-word starts with SEXY ?

In French, the plural does not transform Y into IES.

Tests and validators contains English, French and Spanish Scrabbles, you can regognize it with tiles scores and other words on the board.

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Okay, I learned something new today :slight_smile:

Have to agree, I wouldn’t put this puzzle in the easy category. Checking 3 states is going to be daunting for beginners and even just figuring out how to include all the relevant tiles in the score is going to be challenging for anyone that never worked with grids before.

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