[Community Puzzle] Start-up!


Send your feedback or ask for help here!

Created by @MatthieuC,validated by @SpiderSeb,@MasterOogway and @radioctiv.
If you have any issues, feel free to ping them.

To be clear (and coherent with the referee) in the statement :
reputation = 100 × features / (existingBugs × 3 + fixedBugs)
should be replaced by
reputation = max(1, 100 × features / max(1, existingBugs × 3 + fixedBugs))

…or at least explain it in the text (like for the capping at 2000).


Ok, I will add it soon

Done! Thank you for reporting

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Given the following input for turn 10: devs: 13, sellers: 13, managers: 6 cash 139 income 568 […]
my program produced the following output: 6 6 1 12 0

I would suggest the puzzle to act like this:
new devs: 19, new sellers: 19, new managers: 6/7. The salary of the team is 7 * 20 + 19 * 10 + 19 * 10 = 140 + 190 + 190 = 520. This leads to new cash = 139 + 568 - 520 = 187.
In my opinion, all the rules of the puzzle have been fulfilled.

However, the input for the next move looks like this: devs: 16, sellers: 16, managers: 7 cash 187 income 721.
I’ve paid the employees, but they are gone the next turn. How can that be? Which rule am I breaking?