[Community Puzzle] String balls

Coding Games and Programming Challenges to Code Better

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Created by @Rafarafa,validated by @Timinator,@jddingemanse and @The_Capra_Aegagrus_H.
If you have any issues, feel free to ping them.

Are you sure this is EASY?

I have consistently demonstrated my poor ability to accurately assess the difficulty. Considering the success rate you are likely correct, and I apologize for that. For now, I will adjust it to a medium level.

In my opinion it is easy+. And of course I like @Rafarafa work!

i feel the right solution is to use a recursive mecanism.
As I’m an embedded c developper, i’m not used to it ^^
I’ll have a look, but if you have some tips or algo names… :wink:
Thank in advance

Recursion is a relatively simple concept. I recommend that you study it. This will come in handy for many tasks on the site.
However, you can try turning the recursion into a loop. If not, we can discuss it in private messages.

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