[Community Puzzle] The Electrician Apprentice


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Created by @d-mark,validated by @anon79121980,@Djoums and @Dogeek.
If you have any issues, feel free to ping them.

This puzzle seems quite fun but tereā€™s a mistake in the example of datas:
Iā€™ts written ::
TV = A1 A2 - A3
RADIO = A1 A2 - A3 A4
CONSOLE = A1 A2 - A3

but it should be:
TV - A1 A2 = A3
RADIO - A1 A2 = A3 A4
CONSOLE - A1 A2 = A3

Edit : Sorry for the noise, I posted too quickly and saw it was ok a bit later.

ā€˜=ā€™ indicates a parallel junction, and ā€˜-ā€™ a sequential one. So the example is correct.

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Weirdā€¦ my code passes all tests but validators mixed and weird are still redā€¦ could you say without spoiling it what might be the main difference between the mixed example in tests and the one in the validators please? :slight_smile:

EDIT: Nevermind, I fixed it :wink: Great puzzle btw

Same issue here, all tests ok, weird and mixed validators not. Any idea why ?

You may have false positive issues especially with switches based on booleans (on/off).
It happened for me at the begining.
I though my result was correct for some devices but it was only by luck !
To solve, i suggest you to debug your devices to check if switches in your circuit are properly set after modifications.
I managed to solve everything eventually (correct in test and validation).
This puzzle is adapted for a POO approach IMHO.
One class may correspond to the circuit, one to a device, one to a block of switches and one to a single switch.

If I may add something about the tests cases and validators, there isnā€™t any tests nor validators that handle the parallel rules of the puzzle.
There isnā€™t any device that could be OFF by using the parallels rules, so if you follow the rules only on the sequential one properly, you will have the 100%ā€¦

Hello, I have every tests passed on my side but validation ā€œMixedā€ and ā€œWeird Homeā€ are not good, any test case that I can use to correct this?