[Community Puzzle] The Mystic Rectangle


Send your feedback or ask for help here!

Created by @David_Augusto_Villa,validated by @Alex-1,@Mohsen1365ir and @Alexis.D.
If you have any issues, feel free to ping them.

What is Validator 7? My code is only failing that, and I am not sure what I am missing.

You can view each test case by clicking here

I meant the validator case. My code passed all test cases there, but I got only 91% overall, because it failed “Validator 7”, which I can’t check. (Can’t upload image, but in the results > my reports part)
As for your image, the validator cases do not appear among the test cases for me, unlike they do on your picture. Thank you for taking the time to answer!

Validator 7:

100 127
120 100

Nothing special here, so I wonder what your problem is :thinking:


it was a rounding error, thank you!

can someone explain in the example how travelling 15 units diagonally and 5 units to the north would get her to her goal

Starting location is (50, 15).

After travelling diagonally 15 units NE, Ataria arrives at (65, 0). As the map wraps around, that also means Ataria arrives at (65, 150).

So, she can travel straight 5 units N to arrive finally at (65, 145).

I have problem with the 3rd Validator:

The following validators differ from the puzzle test cases to prevent hard coded solutions. This is why you can have some fails here even if all of the tests provided in the IDE have been successfully passed.

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Validator 3 is similar to Test 3 (“Vertical”): the inputs x and u are the same, while y and v are different.

Keeping your time as a whole number fixes this and is generally more performant.

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:wave: Hi to all and thanks to @David_Augusto_Villa the Author :+1:,
and @Alex-1, @Mohsen1365ir & @Alexis.D the Validators :handshake:
for this funny and “walking around the earth” puzzle :joy: !
→ got pleasure to read again my own solution during this event,
→ looking forward to comparing the new shared solutions …
=> Good luck to all : have :sun_with_face: sun, :dark_sunglasses: fun and :keyboard: CodinGames :raised_hand:!

Does anyone else have a problem with how the 200 by 150 gird the world exists on is explained? I was able to work out that that was the goal of " if she walk a minute in each direction she is back where she was", but I am currently on some antibiotics that made that less obvious. Having to interpret that sentences meaning could be a barrier to entry for this question.

No, i haven’t.