Feel free to send your feedback or ask some help here!
My approach: Find the closest unclaimed mine and claim it.
Can I rely on path-finding algorithm for MOVE X Y
I am not so familiar with Java and the SDK, I can’t find source code location for path-finding in the source
Is it this function findTarget
Yes, it is findTarget, which uses findDistance for a breadth first search.
The hero will choose a shortest path to reach the target.
In the case, that the target is unreachable (e.g. a mine is considered unreachable, as you can’t enter that cell), it finds a cell as close as possible to the target. If there are several closest fields, the hero will take the closest to him among those.
So the pathfinding finds a shortest path, but completely ignores enemies that might block it. If you want to fight for the top, only use MOVE on direct neighbors of your current cell, otherwise you should be fine with MOVE.
How do you get the “Board”?
I’ve encountered something interesting.
This is the game I had in my “last games played” section:
I’ve sent the parameters to the ide to watch the game and this is the resulting game:
Entirely different map with same seed, interesting
“Send parameters to IDE” works fine for me.
I managed to obtain a different map when I only set the seed and not the other parameters as well.
Still weird. But weird enough to look into?
Not really an issue at all, just something I haven’t encountered earlier, thought I would share
Hi, any plans for next leagues (Bronze+)?
I’m new here and was looking for some guidance.
I was trying to come up with a minimax algo for this but am having difficulty trying to come up with something. The reason is because this has 4 players and does not look like a zero sum game.
As I’m new to minimax, could someone possibly tell me if this is the right direction to even think? Will minimax (probably a heavily modified one) will even work here?
There is for example max^n, minimax equivalent for multiplayer games. Or you can extend mcts into more than 2 players.
The main difference is you don’t backpropagate one value (max or min, or -max in negamax) but n values {p1,p2,p3,p4,…} and each player chooses the highest value for him.