Community update: new job position

How could I forget? You sent me a canvas of the contest artwork, I see it everyday.

There’s still something I have for you: a wordcloud of your chat activity on #world. I haven’t seen such a dominant “puzzle” for anyone else.
Feel free to give me your address in a private message and I’ll return the favor (other color themes are also possible if you don’t like that much black - but I can also understand if you don’t want such a thing in your living room at all).


Yeah, give him your private address so he can stalk you!


I wish you all the best @TwoSteps .

Even though it’s been already 5 years, I can still remember how working with you was nice, all the moments shared with you playing board games during lunch breaks as well as the random casual conversations. I know how much you were invested in your work and how you cherished the relation you had with the CodinGame community.
I’m sad you’ve to leave because I don’t know if anyone else can do the work you’ve done during the past years, but I’m also excited for you as you’ll start your new adventure soon.

Thanks for the memories, thanks for your work, and don’t forget to have fun :slightly_smiling_face:

JS :saluting_face: