[ EscapeGame ] The steam house - La maison à vapeur

:wave: Hi to all,
I did not :thinking: find an already existing equivalent topic … so i try this new one, sorry if i’m wrong…

I’d like to share (positive) feedbacks and a question for the good and free EscapeGameThe steam house” (available from here : Coding Escape) :slight_smile: !

With some friends, we just escaped today … and it was really a :+1: good and :sun_with_face: fun coding, amazing and searching moment together :rofl:

Non-coding parts, like visually interactive interface, are useful for beginners too (and others if necessary :open_mouth:). It’s an helpful functionality.
=> It was a very exciting experience … ready for new ones :wink: !

I’ve just one question, please : is there a way (or maybe a new functionality ?), during the game, or maybe after, to know the chronology or time spent to unlock each item, how many are still locked, or who unlocked wich one ?

Thanks to the Team :+1:

No. However, we’re working on a new feature to display fun facts at the end of the mission. Which imo is close to what you’d like