#425 global / gold league
Since I don’t have much knowledge of graph theory and I was using a pure functional language (Haskell) my simulations were just a straight recursive function. Pretty sure that’s DFS, and I assume it wasn’t the best choice but I spent all my energy to get it to gold league. And boy the silver boss was quite the challenge.
At first my simulations were iterating only spells, so no REST/BREW/LEARN actions at all.
The REST action was only factored in by making uncastable spells count for 2 turns (and resetting the other spells in the process).
A branch ends as soon as the first BREW is found. I expanded this later to find a 2nd BREW and to include LEARNs too, but in my final version I excluded the LEARNs again.
I used a few different ways to cap the depth of the DFS: number of nodes, numbers of combinations, turns needed to perform the sequence.
These had to be finetuned precisely otherwise some low hanging fruit could have been missed.
When a node has the same spells but in a different order, I skip it. Other than that I haven’t done any tricks to increase performance.
Only sequences leading to a BREW are kept and compared using a turns/points/inventory ratio.
I had a couple different formula depending on how far the end of the game was.
This required quite some experimenting to get the coefficients right because it’s often not clear what’s better, and the slow submits were stressing me out too because of that.
As I said LEARNs were included in the simulation. I allowed one LEARN per path and I would LEARN it right away. This way I would always choose relevant tomes to the current state and I didn’t worry about doing any static evaluation of the tomes.
However some experimenting revealed that learning some random spells up front was beneficial too. And going full on pre-learning allowed me to go deeper in the simulation.
The last bits of developments that pushed me over the silver boss was to pick spells in a smarter way. Either based on what I needed, or counter picking spells that my opponent needed.
If you have spell that produces lots of t1’s but no spells that consumes lots of t1’s then you’re not going to perform well. This doesn’t always work, but it proved effective nonetheless.
Before completely excluding LEARNS, I excluded the 4 base spells from my simulation and worked entirely with learned spells. This worked surprisingly well.It was a big performance boost, since base spells can be used much more often they take the biggest amount of nodes. And base spells aren’t exactly the most productive in terms of inventory value anyway.
After this simulation I did a second shallower simulation with the base spell included, just in case there would be a short path to a brew that would otherwise be missed.
However after excluding the LEARNs I could permit the base spells to be in the main simulation again.
This was my first CG contest and I had a blast! I’m already looking forward to the next one