Fall Challenge 2022 - Bugs and questions

At the frame 8 of this REPLAY
The unit in (5,1) is told to move to (5,2) but the other team constructs a recycler there.
So instead it moves to (6,1). (due to the path search i supposed).
Shouldn’t it rather stay put?


Hi, someone could please help me understand how a tile should behave when it’s between 2 or multiple recycler?
1- a tile between 2 recycler of the same player, i understand the tile will only loose one material, the player still get only one material from this tile?
2- a tile between 2 recycler of different players, still the tile ll loose only one material. but each player gain 1 material?
thanks for the assist.

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Hi, I think it’s not just you not understanding. I think the game rules about that need to be made more clear.

Seems, that you see it correct. In the rules, I can read:

A given tile can only be subject to recycling once per turn. Meaning its scrapAmount will go down by 1 even if a player has multiple adjacent Recyclers, providing that player with only 1 unit of matter. If a tile has adjacent Recyclers from both players, the same is true but both players will receive 1 unit of matter.

Hej guys,
short question. I program with Javascript and would like to use an AI library for the recent Robot challenge. How can I add it into the IDE given by Codingame? I am quite a beginner sorry for that :/.

How do you play against yourself?

Nevermind, found it. For those curious: you can delete a player beneath their name in the IDE and then add a new player. From the new player you can select your IDE code, your arena code, the AI, or any player

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Anybody have any robust solutions for debugging? I’m constantly getting “Error: EStew42 has not provided 1 lines in time”. I’ve putting timing print outs throughout my code but I cannot figure out what the problem is. Example: Coding Games and Programming Challenges to Code Better

I think there is no online-debugging available - or I haven’t found it yet. :wink:
But I echo the Inputs to the Error-Console. Then I copy the whole text and filter the Inputs out.
Then I run my program local, with debugger, and paste the input.
Don’t know what you use as Language… if you use Pascal, I can tell you more Details. :slight_smile:

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Thanks, thats helpful. I was definitely going to overcomplicate my local test environment. I’m using Python, should be easy enough… Thank you

In the fall challenge, The code after the while loop “while (1)” is’nt read.

If I write this, nothing append :
while (1) {
cerr << “Debug messages…” << endl;

cerr is for debug information, but to actually answer/output you use cout

Yeah, you can’t share a cell if a recycle. The rule says

Robots may not occupy a Grass tile or share a tile with a Recycler .

And this unit is surrounded of unreacheable cells, because of grass or recyclers

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One picture worth 1000 words ;o)

Check under your IDE:


thanks, i have the description in frensh and it’s way better described in english.
other question please in the action order section i don’t get the last part of the second rule saying a single robot can’t accomplish the 2 actions in the same turn (meaning Move and Spawn)
could you please explain this rule to me?

I interpret that rule as stating that the “amount” part of a MOVE command for a given tile cannot include any “amount” from a SPAWN command on the same tile for the same turn. So, say, you have a tile with 1 robot. You can spawn a new robot on that tile, increasing the units there to 2. You can move the original robot elsewhere. You can do both of those. But you can’t spawn a new robot and move two robots elsewhere from that tile on the same turn.

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Hi, I’m having trouble with my program producing different computation times under the same conditions (I’m getting timeouts on different turns, sometimes not timing out at all). I’m not using Math.random. Is this possibly a side effect of using javascript?

My understanding is that you can’t. Not sure though. You should be able to train your AI outside of codingame and then use the result. You would need to simulate the game for training

A possible culprit is an infinite loop. You may have a loop with a condition that in some states ends up being continuesly true. That would explain why some turns you get a timeout and some other turns you don’t.

Has there been any indication of when Silver will open? I thought it would be this morning…