FAQ improvements


I’m looking to improve the FAQ.


  • The current one is pretty old school.
  • I’d like anyone to be able to easily redirect newcomers (in chat or forum) to a clear article answering a question.

Hence, if there are some questions that you are regularly asked, please write them in this thread (possibly with the answer you provide) and I’ll take care of it.


How do I use BOOST?


ahah, indeed. We got this one every day. (I’ll have a look to the game itself to see if we can make it any clearer)

Why does % fail in my Chuck Norris?
Why does my bot timeout? (missing \n)


Found < something >
Expected Nothing


How is your CSB?


Alternative version:

Found < positive number >
Expected “-”

(Validator expects negative number but compares one symbol at a time, so it looks like it expected a string)

Another often asked one is “Is this a good site for learning to program?”
(answer is no in my opinion - it’s good to practice, but not learn from scratch)


How do I provide the compiler with its command-line pragmas? (language subset, optimization settings)

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Why do I fail the last case in TAN and/or defibrillators, the one where degrees vs radians makes a difference?

(though it’s a FAQ, I’m not sure the Right Solution is to list it)

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  • Can I learn to program in Codingame?
  • How can I save the code I’m writting?
  • What’s CSB, STC or any other acronym commonly used in chat.
  • How to copy and paste code on chat for help.
  • How to view my solved puzzles (I saw that Q a couple of times in chat).
  • How to open Codingame page with disableChat
  • How to share replays, and how to select an starting frame from this replay.
  • How CG Points and XP points works.
  • How to disable sound on notifications.
  • How to disable notifications for useless stuff like puzzle validations.
  • How to connect to chat using Pidgin or any other external client (current one in FAQ is not enough).
  • A better way to show users the Youtube video you do on each challenge. Many people just miss it, also link it to multiplayer games, maybe in Hints button or in another visible way.

Optional for the FAQ :slight_smile:
When will the new league with 50ms will be released on CSB?
When will Maddy reach 1st in CSB?

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How do i convert a string of number into an array of integer ? (temperature)
How do i move Thor ?
Why my code timeout ? (Mimetypes with a O(n²) code)
How can i pass the last testcase of horses ? (same as mimetypes)
Why i can’t see validators ?
Why Magus is always better than me ? (yep, it should be in the FAQ)
Why my nickname is 123456789 ?
What is the worst language ever and why is it Haskell ?
Why the contest leaderboard top is always 90% of C++ codes ?
How Automaton2000 is coded ?

A big question : On some website, the faq is handled by a bot working with a Neural Network. Do you think it’s something possible to add here ?


More seriously, “what language should I learn?” does come up a lot,

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I finally went through with this change and updated the current playground about contributing to CodinGame to make it the new FAQ/Help Center for CodinGame.

I migrated there the contents of :

  • the current FAQ (we just need to make that URL point to it now)
  • the playground about how to get started on CodinGame
  • the playground about how to get started with bot programming

What is missing?

  • part of the content of the old help center (the doc that opens in a pop-up when clicking a ? icon). I’ll add it when I can. Not sure we’ll remove the pop-ups :thinking:
  • a lot of questions/answers as well as some suggestions listed above

The pros:

  • the new FAQ is a GitHub repo, so everyone can contribute to it. I just need to validate the changes before publishing them
  • 1 place for everything, hopefully easier to link to when asked a question

The cons:

  • there is no search in the playground so one has to navigate through the chapters to find an answer

What do you think? Any feedback is welcomed!


I can only approve the grouping of all the sources of information. Same for giving the possibility to anyone to contribute via Github.
If the chapters are not too long and well organized I don’t think the absence of search will be a big deal.
I’ll take the time to read it completely later to see if there’s problems, or missing things.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Can’t post a message on the puzzle page