Finding Sherlock: Coding Escape community event on July 7

Perfect. Thanks a lot. :slight_smile:

Yes, very good event :slight_smile: !
Just finishing, and very good coding experience :handshake: together with @korriganBzh :+1:
→ Tested different languages : it works, each bloc is separately.
→ Tested multi editing on same bloc of code : perfect and useful !

=> other friends would subscribe and participate next time :wink:
Thanks to @TwoSteps and all the CGTeam for the challenge and organization :+1: :slight_smile: !

Please : let’s known us for next events please :slight_smile: :hugs: :+1:
Thanks again to the team !

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Thanks @Jp82 :heart:

Congratulations to all the teams who managed to complete the mission. I’m sorry for all the players who did not register in time or didn’t choose their teams in time. We’ll improve the management of teams for future events.

Access the leaderboard here

Kudos to the top 10 teams

About the access for non-companies:

  • it should be possible to pay for a monthly subscription for you and a group of friends. For now, the cost would be the same (10$/user/month). I’ll share more details when I have some.

The Sherlock mission should be available soon on CodinGame.


:+1: OK @TwoSteps for the news :slight_smile: !

:clap: Congrats to the :1st_place_medal: winner team :tada:GlaDOS:confetti_ball: : @Terrablivion, @simonlary, @technophil98 and @TunnelVision :wink: !

Very good :2nd_place_medal: 2nd place to “Wombats” : @Blitblat and @Pusil :clap: ,

And to the :3rd_place_medal: 3rd Team “FLW” : @Yeurlikth and @ZeGrunt :clap: !

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→ Ok, let’s know about it when next events will be announced :wink: !
(PS : i’ve forwarded your post to my interested friends : next time we may be greater number in our Team :shushing_face:)

Thanks a lot @TwoSteps for the event :pray: and congratulations to all the teams ! :clap:

Oh, I love that info :heart_eyes: :star_struck: :

About the access for non-companies:

  • it should be possible to pay for a monthly subscription for you and a group of friends. For now, the cost would be the same (10$/user/month). I’ll share more details when I have some.

My teammates will be thrilled to know that we can play again and have a blast together on Coding Escape.

Thanks again.

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