How do expand in MCTS algorithm

Hello community,

I’ve been interested in this fabulous MonteCarloTreeSearch algorithm for a few months now.

I have read several documents like Medium MCTS, Wiki MCTS.

And in particular this github project: GitHub MCTS.

The project that seems the easiest to attack directly with MCTS is the Ultimate TicTacToe challenge.

The Monte Carlo Tree Search method has 4 key steps:

  • The best-child
  • The expand
  • The rollout
  • The back-propagate

In the best-child, we choose the best child or an undervalued child.
In the expand, a child is created from the selected child.

Here are the 4 graphics.

My current problem is in the best-child stage. In this step, I don’t understand how to create brothers / sisters. Indeed the graph always shows 1 or more children. Then in the expand step, we always create 1 child of the selected one.

(For exemple this is my output that I have actually :upside_down_face: ):

child._parent <main.MonteCarloTreeSearch object at 0x7f9caf3809d0>
child <main.MonteCarloTreeSearch object at 0x7f9caf380990>

child._parent <main.MonteCarloTreeSearch object at 0x7f9caf380990>
child <main.MonteCarloTreeSearch object at 0x7f9caf380f90>

child._parent <main.MonteCarloTreeSearch object at 0x7f9caf380f90>
child <main.MonteCarloTreeSearch object at 0x7f9caf380b90>

child._parent <main.MonteCarloTreeSearch object at 0x7f9caf380b90>
child <main.MonteCarloTreeSearch object at 0x7f9caf380e90>

child._parent <main.MonteCarloTreeSearch object at 0x7f9caf380e90>
child <main.MonteCarloTreeSearch object at 0x7f9caf380cd0>

I don’t see how the creation of the brothers / sisters goes.

In the picture from Wiki, in the next best_child, how selected best child 3/4 and create a brother of 0/1 ?

Another difficulty that I can see is in the creation of the children, I will also have to play a (random) move from my opponent. How do I keep the best-child from simply taking my opponent’s best bad shots?

I am sharing my code even though it already has something wrong with me in the beginning. I would really like to have some help with this best-child step and how to generate siblings.

import sys
import math
import random, copy
import numpy as np

NEITHER, MINE, OPP = -1 , 0 , 1
TYPE_TURN = { 0 : 'MINE' , 1 : 'OPP' }

f_row = lambda obj : obj.param[0]
f_col = lambda obj : obj.param[1]
f_prop = lambda obj : obj.param[2]

f_win = lambda obj : obj[0]
f_all = lambda obj : obj[1]

    (0,NEITHER) : '     ' , (1,NEITHER) : '     ', (2,NEITHER) : '     ' ,
    (3,NEITHER) : '     ' , (4,NEITHER) : '     ', (5,NEITHER) : '     ' ,
    (6,NEITHER) : '     ' , (7,NEITHER) : '     ', (8,NEITHER) : '     ' ,
    (0,MINE) : ' X X ' , (1,MINE) : '  X  ', (2,MINE) : ' X X ' ,
    (3,MINE) : ' X X ' , (4,MINE) : '  X  ', (5,MINE) : ' X X ' ,
    (6,MINE) : ' X X ' , (7,MINE) : '  X  ', (8,MINE) : ' X X ' ,
    (0,OPP) : '  O  ' , (1,OPP) : ' O O ', (2,OPP) : '  O  ' ,
    (3,OPP) : '  O  ' , (4,OPP) : ' O O ', (5,OPP) : '  O  ' ,
    (6,OPP) : '  O  ' , (7,OPP) : ' O O ', (8,OPP) : '  O  ' ,    

class Neuron():

    def __init__(self,clone):
        if clone is not None:
            self.param = clone.param[:]
            self.param = [ NEITHER ] * 3

    def __str__(self):
        return f'{f_row(self)} {f_col(self)}'

    def owner(self):
        return f_prop(self)

    def owner(self,owner):
        self.param[2] = owner

def victory_cond( obj , inrow , incol ):
    for r in range(3):
        yield [ (r , c) for c in range(3) ]
    for c in range(3):
        yield [ (r , c) for r in range(3) ]
    yield [ (i,i) for i in range(3) ]
    yield [ (i, 2 - i) for i in range(3) ]    

def victory_check( obj , inrow , incol ):
    for _ in victory_cond( obj , inrow , incol ):
        if obj[ _[0] ].param[2] == obj[ _[1] ].param[2] == obj[ _[2] ].param[2] : 
            return obj[ _[0] ].param[2]

    return NEITHER

def init_dict( obj , row , col ):
    _ = Neuron(None)
    _.param = [ row , col , NEITHER ]
    obj[ ( row , col ) ] = _

def coord_bigToSmall( inrow , incol ):
    row = ( inrow // 3 )
    col = ( incol // 3 )
    return ( row , col )

def coord_upAndLeft( inrow , incol ):
    row = ( inrow // 3 ) * 3
    col = ( incol // 3 ) * 3
    return ( row , col )

class TicTacToe():

    def __init__(self,clone):
        if clone is None :
            self._secret, self._state, self._predict = {}, {}, []

            for y_row in range(3):
                for x_col in range(3):
                    init_dict( self._secret , y_row , x_col )
            for y_row in range(9):
                for x_col in range(9):
                    init_dict( self._state , y_row , x_col )
        elif clone is not None :
            self._secret, self._state, self._predict = {}, {}, []

            for k1, _ in clone._secret.items():
                self._secret[ k1 ] = Neuron(_)
            for k1, _ in clone._state.items():
                self._state[ k1 ] = Neuron(_)

    def __str__(self):
        out = '  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8\n0'
        for dr in range(9):
            for dc in range(3):
                _ =  f_prop(self._secret[(dr // 3),dc])
                out = f'{out} {TYPE_STR[dr,_]}'
            for dc in range(9):
                _ = f_prop(self._state[dr,dc])
                if _ == NEITHER :               out = f'{out}  '
                if _ == MINE :                  out = f'{out} X'
                if _ == OPP :                   out = f'{out} O'
            out = f'{out}\n{ dr + 1}'
        return out

    def update( self , row , col , owner ):
        self._state[ ( row , col ) ].param[2] = owner
        small_row , small_col = coord_bigToSmall( row , col )
        corner_row , corner_col = coord_upAndLeft( row , col )

        if f_prop(self._secret[ small_row , small_col ]) != NEITHER:    return  NEITHER

        _ = victory_check( self._state , corner_row , corner_col ) 

        if _ == NEITHER:                                                return  NEITHER

        self._secret[ small_row , small_col ].owner = _

        _ = victory_check( self._secret , 0 , 0 )

        return _

    def is_game_over( self ):
        _ = victory_check( self._secret , 0 , 0 )
        return _

    def possibility( self ):
        _ = []
        for k1, n1 in self._state.items():
            if f_prop(n1) == NEITHER :
                _.append( tuple(k1) )
        return _

class MonteCarloTreeSearch():

    def __init__(self,clone):
        if clone is not None:
            self._parent = clone
            self._children = []
            self._result = [ 0 , 0 ]

            self._state = copy.copy(clone._state)
            print(f'MonteCarloTreeSearch init from previous',file=sys.stderr)
            self._parent = None
            self._children = []
            self._result = [ 0 , 0 ]

            self._state = None

    def n(self):
        return f_all(self._result)

    def w(self):
        return f_win(self._result)

    def best_child(self, c_parameter ):
        #  Upper Confidence Bounds (UCB1) formula
        _ = self
        while len(_._children) > 0 :
            weight = [ 
                (c.w / c.n) + c_parameter * math.sqrt( (2 * math.log2(_.n) / c.n ) ) 
                for c in _._children
            print(f'weight {list(map(str,weight))}',file=sys.stderr)
            _ = _._children[ np.argmax( weight ) ]    
        return _

    def expand(self):
        #   COMPUTE STATE
        child = MonteCarloTreeSearch(self)
        print(f'child._parent {child._parent} \nchild {child} ',file=sys.stderr)

        _ = child._state.possibility()

        sel_row , sel_col = random.choice(_)

        print(f'expand: row {sel_row} col {sel_col}',file=sys.stderr)

        child._state.update( sel_row , sel_col , MINE )


        child._state._predict.append( child._state._state[ sel_row, sel_col ] )

        return child
    def randomseq(self):
        #print("START >>> randomseq",file=sys.stderr)
        rollout_state = TicTacToe(self._state)
        while rollout_state.is_game_over() == NEITHER :
            _ = rollout_state.possibility()
            sel_row , sel_col = random.choice(_)
            #print(f'expand: row {sel_row} col {sel_col} turn {TYPE_TURN[ROLLOUT_TURN]}',file=sys.stderr)

            rollout_state.update( sel_row , sel_col , ROLLOUT_TURN )



        #print(" END  >>> randomseq",file=sys.stderr)

        if rollout_state.is_game_over() == MINE:
            return [ 1 , 1 ]
        else :
            return [ 0 , 1 ]

    def backpropagate(self, result):
        self._result[0] = f_win(self._result) + f_win(result)
        self._result[1] = f_all(self._result) + f_all(result)
        _ = self._parent
        while _ is not None :
            _._result[0] = f_win(_._result) + f_win(result)
            _._result[1] = f_all(_._result) + f_all(result)
            _ = _._parent

__mine__ = TicTacToe(None)

_ = [int(i) for i in input().split()] + [OPP]
if _[0] != -1 :
    __mine__.update( _[0] , _[1] , _[2] )

__mine__mcts__ = MonteCarloTreeSearch(None)
__mine__mcts__._state = __mine__

for i in range(5):

    __children__ = __mine__mcts__.best_child( 1.4 )

    __children__ = __children__.expand()

    _ = __children__.randomseq()

    print(f'result randomseq {list(map(str,_))}',file=sys.stderr)

    __children__.backpropagate( _ )

possibility = []
for i in range(int(input())):
    _ = [int(j) for j in input().split()]
    possibility.append(  tuple(_) )

if (4, 4) in possibility:
    __mine__.update( 4 , 4 , MINE )
    print( __mine__._state[ (4, 4) ] )
    sel_row , sel_col = random.choice(possibility)
    __mine__.update( sel_row , sel_col , MINE )
    print( __mine__._state[ (sel_row, sel_col) ] )

while True:
    _ = [int(i) for i in input().split()] + [OPP]
    __mine__.update( _[0] , _[1] , _[2] )

    possibility = []
    for i in range(int(input())):
        _ = [int(j) for j in input().split()]
        possibility.append(  tuple(_) )

    sel_row , sel_col = -1 , -1
    sel1_row , sel1_col = random.choice(possibility)
    m1 = copy.copy( __mine__ )

    sel2_row , sel2_col = random.choice(possibility)
    m2 = copy.copy( __mine__ )
    if m1.update( 4 , 4 , MINE ) == MINE :
        sel_row , sel_col = sel1_row , sel1_col
    elif m2.update( 4 , 4 , MINE ) == MINE :
        sel_row , sel_col = sel2_row , sel2_col
        sel_row , sel_col = random.choice(possibility)
    __mine__.update( sel_row , sel_col , MINE )
    print( __mine__._state[ (sel_row, sel_col) ] )

Thank you for your answers

I guess you shouldn’t create any children during the selection stage, just apply UCT to nodes of a search tree until you reach unexpanded or terminal node.

  1. I think you are refering to this figure instead of this one. At least, it makes a lot more sense when talking about a 3/4 node and its 0/1 child.

  2. You should stop talking of this “best child” stage. It’s confusing, use the sanctioned terminology instead.

  3. In expansion, you create all the possible children (with a 0/0 stats) from the selected leaf node and select one of them at random. The next stage, simulation, will playout this selected child (but won’t create any node) and will update its stats depending of the simulation’s outcome.

  4. Light simulations are completly random. Heavy simulations could be done instead to avoid wasting time but they are not better in absolute. A light simulation (where apparent stupid moves could be done) is an impartial sampling of a given configuration potential. Once you try to constraint things a bit to avoid useless moves, you are actually introducing a bias. It’s a double edge sword which can weaken your bot against creative players or event dumb ones. Of course, any practical working MCTS tweaks the selection and simulation stages, and, as any AI technique, it is where the complexity lies.


Yeah ! :slight_smile:

Screenshot_2020-12-12 S'entraîner avec l'exercice Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe sur les sujets suivants IA, Monte Carlo tree search ...(2)

I reached the silver league.


Yeah ! :grinning:

Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe - Monte Carlo tree search

I reached the gold league.

850 lines of code.

  • Problems finally solved on the timeout thanks to a magus post.
  • 3 series of memoization at the beginning of the game to make faster calculations.
  • a design pattern state used to avoid duplicating a for loop used in 3 different times.

But I’m really happy with it and I think I’ve made progress thanks to this puzzle.


Yeah ! :grinning:

I reached the legend league.
685 lines of code

  • In the gold league, I start in 200th place.
  • Translation of the Dart code in C: I go from 3000 simulation per turn to 13000. Gain of 50 places.
  • Improved the end of game evaluation function (majority rule in case of a tie).
  • The code blocks 140° instead. In 2 concrete cases, I note that the AI ​​does not make the best choice. During the step of selecting the opposing move: replacement of the random choice by a complementary mcts choice (1 - w). Gain of 70 places.
  • I double the number of nodes from 16384 to 32768.
  • Added an evaluation line to determine if the move is a winner during the simulation (if the move is a winner, it is chosen otherwise it is a random choice).
  • I only keep one timer before the selection stage and I remove all the others: I win 2000 simulated games per turn.

At this moment, I reach the second place! :upside_down_face:
Removed all unnecessary code parts (dead code, unused variable, etc.)

I finish 1st in GOLD at 5am!

legend-league-Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe