How is the rank for single finished bot-programming computed?

How is the rank computed in a single, already finished bot programming contest? (test in arena)

Is there any formula for it?
For the same source code I score eg from 8 to 59 depending on run.

Please see if these pages helps answer your question:


Thx @5DN1L, below also may be helpful

feel free to propose an update of this page with more details about the ranking system in bot programming:
Doc about turn-based games

My code often beats the boss in traning but I’m not advancing in the ranking.
I don’t really understand what are the criterias for adavanciong to the next level.
From a Newbie :slight_smile:

For a basic idea, please read the explanation in the section “Bot Programming Games” in the link provided by _CG_Thibaud above. For more details, read the other links in this discussion. :slight_smile:

  • Is there a rank range to be, to get to next?
  • Or what else is the criteria for moving to next higher level league ?

When you submit your code in a bot arena, you must be ranked higher than the boss at the end of your run to pass to the next league.