so im trying to write a solution to the “Simplified Monopoly™ Turns Prediction” problem, but im having trouble understanding what the input() function is doing.
in python 3, the standard code looks like:
p = int(input())
for i in range( p ):
player = input()
d = int(input())
for i in range(d):
dice = input()
for i in range(40):
boardline = input()
now this is confusing for example, because the player variable now only contains a single player name, and no value for its starting position.
i tried to do basic debugging steps to figure out whats happening with the input, by printing out the input() function without an input, iterating over the input() function, and trying to call different values with the input() function. All of which result in a single output.
How are newbies handling these sorts of input functions when the input values is a large list of different types and values and we cant see what the function is doing? How do we access the parts we want at specific times?
Im basically stuck at the point of just trying to access a single players start location and the relevent dice rolls for that player, but even if i could get those values, how do i then extract the next player from the input() function?