Languages update

Please, update Free Pascal to 3.3.x I cannot work with dynamic arrays

@_CG_Simon: Next opportunity upcoming; let’s update that GCC to something that actually supports C++20 (and put the switch to c++23 at the same time) for fall challenge '24! I know it’s not quite as easy as a command-line switch, but surely you have your build containers dockerised? I’d think it should be doable within a couple of hours to setup a new build environment, no?
You know, this is a real-world issue. I’m currently hiring a C++ engineer, and we’re about to start the coding interviews. Our code-base is actively using many recent C++ features, and so a main question to the candidates is how they can handle that. You guessed it, we’re not using CoderPad for our interviews. (Also: C++ Online IDE & Code Editor for Technical Interviews is grossly self-inconsistent; it mentions three different compiler versions, and two different versions of the standard - none of which is recent enough for us).