Languages update

Please, update Free Pascal to 3.3.x I cannot work with dynamic arrays

@_CG_Simon: Next opportunity upcoming; let’s update that GCC to something that actually supports C++20 (and put the switch to c++23 at the same time) for fall challenge '24! I know it’s not quite as easy as a command-line switch, but surely you have your build containers dockerised? I’d think it should be doable within a couple of hours to setup a new build environment, no?
You know, this is a real-world issue. I’m currently hiring a C++ engineer, and we’re about to start the coding interviews. Our code-base is actively using many recent C++ features, and so a main question to the candidates is how they can handle that. You guessed it, we’re not using CoderPad for our interviews. (Also: C++ Online IDE & Code Editor for Technical Interviews is grossly self-inconsistent; it mentions three different compiler versions, and two different versions of the standard - none of which is recent enough for us).

Hello, the following languages have been updated:

  • C# (.Net 6 => .Net 8)
  • VB Net (.Net 6 => .Net 8)
  • F# (.Net 6 => .Net 8)
  • Java (17.0.8 => 21.0.4)
  • Javascript (Node: 16.14.2 -> 20.9.0)
  • Typescript (TS: 4.6.3 => 5.6.2 ; Node: 16.14.2 -> 20.9.0)

These updates are live on CodinGame (runtime + language server), so dive in, and let us know if you spot any regressions!


Nice! (a bit sad there’s no Go update though)
Could you update the Help Center accordingly?

Any information on that?

I have not heard anything. The current compilation times are not quite as abysmal any more, but still not good: about 12 s for an almost empty program, as compared to 2 s for Java, so still unusable for CoC.
@_CG_dhubleur, do you have more info?

PHP 7.3.9 was released 5 years ago and is unsupported for almost 3 years (2 years and 9 monthes exactly).
Any chance to get an update soon ? :wink:

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