Mad Pod Racing - Puzzle Discussion

I just keep getting the error on Wood league 2 that "Timeout: the program did not provide 1 input lines in due time… ". I’m using Python and all I did was create and map a variable “thrust = 0” to start solving. That’s literally the only thing I changed from the original (and functional) code. I placed it not only before the “while” statement, but also tried it within the statement with no luck, I just keep getting the same error. Debug messages shows nothing. This website feels broken.

The website is not broken. If you want, we may discuss your code further in the chat.

Does this code work? Because as i understand, it doesnt let you declare a variable called Boost and assign a value to it. It seems like all we can do to use the boost to write it in the printf function along with x and y values of the next checkpoint.

My code work with Boss3.I arrived at the bronze league.

I am on the wood 2 league using Javascript and I am stumped on how to go slower on the turns. I am throwing myself in the deep end so I am learning everything as I go so essentially I know and don’t know what I am doing

Implementing the pseudocode in the statement is sufficient for you to pass Wood 2 League.

I understand,
I am just having trouble implementing the pseudocode into my input

i need the answer for Mad Pod Racing

Wood 2 League

The answer is in the statement.

what stat ment im not in a coding class im just tring to learn this

A pseudocode is in the puzzle statement to the left of the IDE. You may refer to that and convert it to the code in the programming language of your choice.

6 posts were merged into an existing topic: How do i learn from this website?

A post was merged into an existing topic: How do i learn from this website?

theres a history button, to see all your previous submissions

Can someone help me understand the movement of the pod? I’ve read these articles but I don’t quite understand it.

How do I calculate where my pod should go to make it turn properly? Many times it goes past the checkpoint because it is going too fast, I have tried to lower the speed when it is getting there but it doesn’t improve the results much either.


target a point near the checkpoint

i cant get past wood 2 i’m very new to coding i currently have what am i doing wrong??

game loop

while true; do
# nextCheckpointX: x position of the next check point
# nextCheckpointY: y position of the next check point
# nextCheckpointDist: distance to the next checkpoint
# nextCheckpointAngle: angle between your pod orientation and the direction of the next checkpoint
read -r x y nextCheckpointX nextCheckpointY nextCheckpointDist next_Checkpoint_Angle
read -r $opponent_X $opponent_Y

# Write an action using echo
# To debug: echo "Debug messages..." >&2

echo ${nextCheckpointX}" “${nextCheckpointY}” 100"
if next_Checkpoint_Angle< -100 or next_Checkpoint_Angle > 100
thrust = 0
thrust = 100
if nextCheckpointDist < 2000 then
thrust = 12
thrust = 100

  1. Are you using bash? I don’t think your syntax is right.
  2. Your logic flow is wrong. You output (echo) before you calculate the thrust, and the reverse should be done.
  3. Your echo always outputs thrust as 100. You have to replace the constant with a variable.

yes im using bash im very new

and how do i make it a variable?