How this problem is categorized as medium ?
At first, you might think that this is just a matter of calculating angles (which already requires a minimum of basic trigonometry, even if it remains feasible)…
Unfortunately, the information given in the statement is really a nightmare to establish a reliable trajectory algorithm. In addition, the difficulty of the test cases is, in my opinion, aberrant.
It seems obvious to me that this puzzle should be categorized as difficult or very difficult.
it is a real medium … it is an official puzzle which was published in 2014.
imho , lots of actual medium should be in easy but that is not the matter here.
for mars lander 2 you only need to locate landing surface , move above and land safely
to do this trigonometry is not mandatory ( unless you really want to simulate ) and i did not need it for mars lander 3 too because you have lot of fuel ( but you should need it for optimization )