Mars - the game

Hello codin guys… I just finished share with you the following little game : Try to do it better and faster to land on Mars rather your code did it !!! :rocket:
You can choose the 5 test scenarios from Mars 2 and de 2 of Mars 3. If you like, I would add a map maker, so every body could build it’s own map.
Gameplay : - use arrows left, right for radius, arrows up and down for power. You also can click within the semi-circle to determinate radius and power.
Goal : The same as on contest : Land on flat ground, with vertical speed > -40 and horizontal speed between -20 and 20.
I wish you the same fun I take to code it :wink:
Ho I forget to give you the link :



Isn’t that a complete copy of Codingame’s mars landers with keyboard control?

And it’s impossible to beat a perfect cpu play (with physics)

Anyway, thanks for sharing :slight_smile:

Isn’t it a big concern to start developing a program to solve the puzzle with so many questions still in your mind? This is very helpful to understand the puzzle.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Mars Lander - Puzzle discussion