This change on removing solo puzzles from global ranking made me to leave CodinGame Overall rating should reflect that since solo puzzles reflect time and effort spent on solving them.
Punishing users for possibility of some people copying pasting solution from the internet is just unfair.
I don’t like the new system. My graph had been slowly climbing. With the new system I dropped a level and I keep going down. I couldn’t read the whole thread, but from what I did read the solo puzzles are no longer important. As a big fan of the solo puzzles I don’t like this. It’s disheartening to see my graph go down as I finish more puzzles.
What we did has really nothing to do with that. Solo players are not punished. They have not lost any skill. They’re just not awarded with a rank and title which didn’t make much sense. Once again, the profile is still being worked on.
Then ignore your multiplayer rank and watch your solo level increase instead. Come get that gold crown at level 30. That is the whole point of the rework