Onboarding - Puzzle discussion

HELP! how do i make a stealth enemy with code.

Hi I am a new coder please help me out with all my questions

I am going to code a new game for my computer.

Try joining the Discord server of CodinGame. You can ask more non-CodinGame specific questions there.

I need help

Please be specific what help you require.

this coding is best

It is pretty jarring to see this as the first example as though the user already understands the syntax and flow structure. I think a lot of fresh off the boat users are coming here thinking this is step 1 not knowing it’s chapter 2. It seems like this site is designed for people who already understand programming or their preferred langauge to some minimal degree, but having an option to bootstrap users who don’t (or lead them somewhere else that will) would be ideal… could also help this discussions section.

This site is exactly designed for those people which you described.

i need help

hi everyone i am new here codeingame i cant understand that how to play
can someone help me out
i am learning typescript

General: Please read the faq here.

Specific: If you have a question about a particular puzzle, please search the post for that puzzle in the forum, and read the previous discussion in the post to see if others have answered a similar question before. If not, you can then post your question there with details (e.g. which case you are struggling with, what you’ve tried).

im just confused

Are their any plans to have a medium or hard version this?
A few suggestions:

  • Have to also consider speed and/or acceleration…
  • Perhaps some ships have shields that take 2 or 3 hits…
  • More than 1 gun…
  • Guns can overheat, or need to reload…
  • Have to calculate the angle of the shot…

i can not play this game

please help me

What do you mean? Please explain what you have tried, and what the result is.

i don’t understand still

on the first one?