Platinum Rift multiplayer contest discussion

Right now, the geometry of the map seems to be fixed. However, the rules indicate that it may change. When will it be decided whether the current geometry of the map will be the one used for the final ranking ? A strategy could depend on the map, that’s why it would be great to know more about this.

How are 3 and 4 player matches taken into account for the ranking? Does only the first player get points, or does it matter to be 2nd instead of 3rd?

How will the final ranking be computed?

Can we get more details about the distribution of the platinum on the map? E.g. what is the probability of having a “rich America”?


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I start a battle several times in Manual Mode. I do not change seed or any other parameters but every run I get different outcome. Why?

vzverev: I think it’s because either you or your opponent use a little bit of random in your algorithm. I think “Default AI” use random a bit.

2 questions:

Is this solved ?

Victory by suicide seems unfair to me…

Is the 100ms limit something we can quantify inside the Answer code ? If I assert I always die at first turn (with cpp code : std::chrono::high_resolution_clock).

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Be careful of the fact that inputs aren’t available as soon as your program starts. When I tested this, I found I have to wait at least 300ms before reading anything. So you may want to assert this 100ms limit from the moment your first read returns, not before.

I have another sample of this bug:

@vzverev: victory by suicide will be fixed tomorrow…


Thanks for the answer.


do you (the staff) agree if I post a java tool which can give stats of any player by name?

stats are : the number of fights done, rank, and how many times the player was 1st or 2nd (in 1 vs 1) 1st, 2nd and 3th (in 1vs2) etc… for 1vs3 with percentages.

is it allowed?


personally I’d love that
cc @DorianWilde


Yes, for sure. We are happy to see third party tools that can help people!

We understood that it was important to have these stats. We are planning to integrate them directly in the website in a future update. But at the moment, I think that your tool would be welcomed by all players :slight_smile:

ok great :slight_smile: thanks

then here is the link to get the .jar

launch it with the command : java -jar parserCGResults.jar nameOfThePlayer

if you prefer the web version (thanks to Tryum who converted my .jar in a node.js app) :

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Well, if it is open API that’s my solution:

Create a new shortcut in your browser with the title of your choice and the link:

javascript:(function(e,t){function n(){var e=document.createElement("script");e.type="text/javascript";e.src="//";var t=document.getElementsByTagName("head");t[0].appendChild(e)}function r(e,t){var n=$("#ide #hackContent");if(n.length<=0){n=$('<div id="hackContent" style="font-family: sans-serif; position: absolute; bottom: 0; background: #000; color: #fff; left: 0; max-width: 45%; min-width: 560px;"/>').appendTo("#ide")}$.ajax({type:"POST",url:"/services/PlayersAgentsRemoteService/findAllValidByChallengePublicId",data:'["'+e+'"]',success:function(r){var i=null;$.each(r.success,function(e,n){if(n.playerName==t){i=n}});$.ajax({type:"POST",url:"/services/PlayersAgentsRemoteService/findRank",data:'["'+e+'", '+i.candidateId+"]",success:function(e){var t='<div style="float: left; margin: 0 15px;">';t+='<h2 style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20px;">Score: '+i.score.toFixed(2)+" - "+i.gamesPlayed.toFixed(0)+"%</h2>";t+='<h1 style="font-size: 22px; line-height: 33px;">Rank '+e.success.pos+"/""</h1>";t+="</div>";$.ajax({type:"POST",url:"/services/gamesPlayersRankingRemoteService/findAllByUserId",data:"["+i.candidateId+"]",success:function(e){var r=[{0:0,1:0,nb:0},{0:0,1:0,2:0,nb:0},{0:0,1:0,2:0,3:0,nb:0}];$.each(e.success,function(e,t){if(t.done&&$.isNumeric(t.position)){r[t.nbPlayers-2][t.position]++;r[t.nbPlayers-2]["nb"]++}});t+='<p style="line-height: 17px; font-size: 13px;">1 vs 1 ('+r[0]["nb"]+"): 1er:"+(r[0][0]/r[0]["nb"]*100).toFixed(1)+"%, 2eme:"+(r[0][1]/r[0]["nb"]*100).toFixed(1)+"%</p>";t+='<p style="line-height: 17px; font-size: 13px;">1 vs 2 ('+r[1]["nb"]+"): 1er:"+(r[1][0]/r[1]["nb"]*100).toFixed(1)+"%, 2eme:"+(r[1][1]/r[1]["nb"]*100).toFixed(1)+"%, 3eme:"+(r[1][2]/r[1]["nb"]*100).toFixed(1)+"%</p>";t+='<p style="line-height: 17px; font-size: 13px;">1 vs 3 ('+r[2]["nb"]+"): 1er:"+(r[2][0]/r[2]["nb"]*100).toFixed(1)+"%, 2eme:"+(r[2][1]/r[2]["nb"]*100).toFixed(1)+"%, 3eme:"+(r[2][2]/r[2]["nb"]*100).toFixed(1)+"%, 4eme:"+(r[2][3]/r[2]["nb"]*100).toFixed(1)+"%</p>";n.html(t)}})}})}})}n();setInterval(function(){r(e,t)},1e4);r(e,t)})("platinum-rift","Pirquessa")

Don’t forget to change the name at the end.

To use it, go to your IDE, click on the shortcut… TADAM, new content on the bottom left of the page !


Well, it is not a completely an opened API (it is not documented and really subject to change in the future)

Knowing this, feel free to use ajax calls that can help you, but please, be nice and respectful with the server charge too. Do not overload it with too many unnecessary repeated calls else we will have to be more protective.

Anyway, we are happy to see all this creativity around the challenge :slight_smile:

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As the end of the challenge approaches, I find these questions very interesting… :slight_smile:

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hi all,

just for information, if you are an Android user, here is my app based on the java code I gave before.

it will give you basic stats information about your fights. also you can get information about any player with his username.


Do you change some rules ? Or the following situation is a bug: round 273, zone 76. The zone is mine, I have pods in it but I can’t move them to a linked zone, I get the error:

“3 76 88” is an invalid action: Cannot retreat from 76 to 88 as destination is controlled by enemy (and 2 additional errors of the same type)

OK I found the rule… It sux :frowning:

Can you explain me what’s the point with it ?

Hello FredTreg, what will be the number of match that will be played after solution submission ?

It seems that the position of my bot on the leaderboard becomes stable after around 400 matches.

leaderboards by language here : :wink: