[Poll] What programming language would you like CodinGame to support next?

Julia would be awesome! I’ll also express interest in Crystal so maybe it will eventually get added into the poll. It is getting close to 1.0 release which will hopefully cause a spike in popularity!


Hi, I am learning Elm for web app/game development. Would it be please possible to add support for Elm? Thanks!

Elm? The language where you can’t pattern-match on a negative number because the developers didn’t feel like it at the time?

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As of now, Julia is the topmost language on the list that is not yet supported. It’s nice to see D and Typescript already available.

Are there any plans to add Julia anytime soon? I see it being added on a number of coding portals, and the language is quite mature now. It would be fun to use it here!


Hi there.

  1. Forth / Factor
    I am surprised this poll is still open (one year old). The obvious answer is Forth language, the only problem being that Forthers write their own compilers, :upside_down_face:. Well, that’s also what I did (logiqub.com). Nothing beats the ability to adapt the programming language itself to the problem at hand. And because you write the compiler, you can insert/remove anything you like/need/want. In terms of speed, the interpreter can compete with just about any other interpreted language, JITed or not. Maybe you can consider using Factor as a concatenative language with Forth-like characteristics.

  2. Nim
    Anyway, on a more serious note, Nim is the best language to include. It compiles to C, has very nice syntax/philosophy (a mix of Pascal and Python which is the dream). Also the fact that Rust is there, and Nim is not does not feel right to my eyes (I did my early career on Delphi RAD, so I have a foundness for Pascal-like languages).

  3. Scheme, Lisp / SmallTalk
    We need a “true” Lisp (I know there is Clojure). Not necessarily Common Lisp, but a Scheme would work very well since there are many good (I mean fast compilers) for Scheme. On a side note, a SmallTalk would be nice as well. Pharo is currently the most modern, but after dealing with the creators/maintainers (INRIA), I don’t feel like their goals are aligned with what a popular/useful language should be. They reinvent everything and still think about their lost battle with Java…

  4. Assembly x86 / ARM
    Because I write virtual machines straight up from assembly (https://logiqub.com/repo/logiqub). Also I often ditch Python for C when I work on puzzles where I feel like the practice is worth it. But I always thought of doing some of them in assembly. Not that many coders would use that anyway, but I would personally enjoy it. Also please, just plain GNU assembler (gas) syntax is sufficient. Having to deal with all the various syntaxes (MASM, etc.) is too much pain for no gain.

Sorry for the long message, but I am a huge fan of Programming Language Theory, compilers and interpreters. Therefore I suggest a stronger representation of all languages families:

  • enough of C/C++, Java, JavaScript, C#, etc.
  • Factor for Forth-like
  • Nim for Pascal-like
  • Scheme for Lisp-like
  • and both assemblers (x86, ARM)

@TwoSteps hey, as the poll is still open (and we’re approaching the end of 2020 already) I wonder if there are plans to continue adding new languages from top to bottom (so, my favorite Julia coming next :grin: ) or if there will be another new poll :see_no_evil:

As another unrelated side note, did you already consider adding GraalVM/WASM backends (after Julia of course :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:) ? Because both would allow for multiple languages to be added.

Either way I’m happy that Julia already is considered as an option :blush:


I’m also interested in knowing if Julia is planned to be added. This language is very adapted to the kind of challenges from codingame, with it’s straightforward syntax combined with great performances. If it was, I would immediately switch to it, instead of python.


Adding the support for Julia next would be awesome.


What about v-lang?
It features

  • Super-duper fast compile times
  • type safety and stuff
  • competitive performance

and looks like installing it without breaking anything else should probably be easy enough

And what about Haxe ? compiles straight to c++ -> use preexisting setup to run it. Seems easier than implementing a whole new language with its own vm… :grin:
Currently I’m using it and compiling to js. But js does not compare to c++ when it comes to raw performance.

Any plans to add Julia yet? 1.6 is likely very close to stabilization.


1.6 just released, and it’s intended to be an LTS version.

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No pressure to add Julia, just chiming in that I love it!


Haxe and crystal please!

Haxe, together with heaps game engine, has powered popular games like dead cells

Crystal has nice ruby-like syntax and run with native code speed. Its 1.0.0 stable version has been released early 2021

best programming language :Prolog

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Haskell. I’d really love it if CG supported it. A modern functional language would make a fine addition to the rather imperative state of the matter.


Haskell is already supported.

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We obviously don’t attach the same meaning to “supported”.


Emojicode : https://www.emojicode.org/


Hello, is there any plan to integrate graalVM for JVM languages (java, kotlin, scala)?
With my little experience, startup is much much faster and there will be no more timeout because of JIT (we’ll still have GCs to fight with :wink: )

Forgot to specify: with native image (AOT compilation)