Power of Thor - Codesize - Puzzle discussion

So you mean the top solutions in the all-languages leaderboard? I seldom check that - that’s why I didn’t understand what you referred to until just now. I assumed you meant the individual language-specific leaderboards, so that’s why I thought your claim covered the solutions of yours and mine.

My view is this: no matter those top codes are legit or not, I would like to see more cases added to this puzzle and all solutions be re-ranked.


This would disqualify hardcoded solutions (for a moment, but not forever, new harcoded solutions will appear). But it won’t disqualify solutions including system calls, which is worse in my opinion, because harcoding is an interesting practise, whereas system calls gives the advantage to some languages.

For example, if you’re very good in bash and you know how to do a system call in C++ (but there are many others langages involved), you don’t need to be good in C++ to win against all other C++ players.

If CG forbid hardcode, please forbid system calls to. I don’t think it is so difficult, you just have to check some keywords depending on language.


You’re 100% right

Hi, where/how can I see the best solutions?

You cannot see the best solutions to code golf puzzles. However, you can see the solutions to the non-code golf versions, e.g. here.

Thanks, it just does not make much sense when I cannot see better solutions to learn what I could improve.

As i agree with you, the point of code golf is a challenge, if everyone had the best answer, they wouldn’t be able to compete fairly.

you can always figure out the full range of moves, and print each option randomly, this brings it down to 66 or so letters… but the randomness is so astronomical, that you are just a lucky SOB if you get it.
if i were to guess, it’s around 5^20? 30? some massive number, not impossible. but not in your favor. 5^20 is around 95 trillion.
you could even reduce this drastically but then it jumps to 70 or 75 characters. and it’s random chance.

import random
while 1:print(random.choice([“viableDirections”]))

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Power Of Thor - Episode 1 - Puzzle discussion

I think the purpose here is to make you get out of your confort zone, make you think out of the box. Also, this kind of exercise make me thik that we are training a AI that focus in generate the best “compiled code chunk”.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Power Of Thor - Episode 1 - Puzzle discussion

My code size is 312 with Python.

I don’t know too!

I take the code that use in the first part and its working, only need to add one line tricked:

 # East = E = ( tx < lx ) to the RIGHt
  if lx > tx
    direction << "E"
    tx += 1

Maybe so. I also am a bit annoyed cause sometimes the direction is not as precise. Or it could be my lack of understanding

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2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Power Of Thor - Episode 1 - Puzzle discussion

You can’t use $! or can you?

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