Quest Map - New home page feedbacks/bugs

Yes I submitted it but I can’t go to the next mission

Have same problems. No score or progress updates after finishing few puzzles.

I completed 3 puzzles with the loops tag but the quest map isn’t allowing me to get the +25XP reward for the algorithms track.

thank you all for reporting issues with the quest map and sorry it happened. We’ve fixed the problem with the DB. Now all quests and achievements will slowly get processed. Thank you for your patience


Maybe it’s a know issue (or maybe not even an issue??), i can’t loot XP on the map: I have reached bronze league in two games. When i click to loot xp, I get a code 500 callint lootQuest ( Request payload is [4534731,6]
Do I miss something or is it a bug?

I can reproduce the issue, thank you for reporting it. We’ll fix it asap

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Hi Thibaud,

Is there any update on when this bug will be fixed?


I’ll chase the dev team. Hopefully by the end of next week

Ok thanks. (Looking forward to the next step in the AI path)

It is working now for me thanks!

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Indeed, it has been fixed. Another fix on the next quest in the same path actually fixed this as well yesterday afternoon, that’s why I missed it.

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Hi, I’m sorry if there is a better place to post this (I know it’s old, but it seemed better than making a new topic).

I have registered for Summer Challenge 2023, but have not received progress for The Codingame Contests quest, despite the quest text saying one need only register to meet its criteria. Is this intended behaviour with the idea that it will update once the contest is active?

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According to [CG] J3ffx on Discord,

Not a bug, Summer and Winter challenges are puzzle challenges (giving you the algorithm achievement) meanwhile Fall and Spring challenges are AI bot challenges (thus giving you the AI achievement). Sorry if that was not clear enough

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Riiiight! Thank you for clearing that up for me. All makes sense now.

I’m having the same problem of @Avalanchian posted 3 post before, and i appreciate the response of @5DN1L, but the CodinGame team to date has not corrected the message of the 4 step of AI path (The CodinGame Contests), the message must say that the step requires a AI Contest.

But most importantly, I think that this step causes a lot of rejection, at least for me it is like that, since you have to wait until CodinGame launches an AI contest. I have been waiting for 4 months and no AI contest has taken place. Which has generated disappointment in me, because everything was going very well, until I reached this step because it does not depend on my knowledge but on a date that is not known when it will come, while I have dedicated myself to other games on other platforms different from CodinGame. For me CodinGame is a good platform but this step is really very poorly thought out

When I look at these contests and think about what it must take to create them, I’m personally shocked that Codingame can get one out every six months. I understand your frustration, but do your best to be patient. I guarantee you, the wait will be worth it!

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