Scala 3 support

Is there any plan to support Scala 3? @admins
I wonder how much work is involved in supporting a “new language”, and if there’s any chance that we can contribute to that?
I think Scala 3 means a great deal to all fellow Scala users


I agree, it’s pretty sad to be limited to Scala 2, it would be awesome to see Scala 3 on CodinGame :pleading_face:


I support this :slight_smile:


My new projects are in Scala 3. It seems like creating legacy code to go back to 2. Scala 2 won’t be maintained forever so you don’t have to maintain two versions in codingame as well, “just” switch to 3.

I started learning Scala thanks to Codingame, as a “better Python”, and I won’t go back to Python! Please help other people discover this wonderful language!