Spring Challenge 2020 - Bugs & Questions

Thanks. I was just figuring that out. The error messages through me. Thanks.

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Quelqu’un sais à quel heure ouvre la ligue argent ?

(00:36:09) #fr <Mimignot> Quelqu’un sais à quel heure ouvre la ligue argent ?
(00:36:14) #fr <b0n5a1> 18h00


Bug : The number of pellets in the input doesn’t correspond to the number of line received :
Against the default IA
I tried this code :

    visible_pellet_count = int(input())
    log("Number of line %d" % visible_pellet_count)

    for i in range(visible_pellet_count):
        x, y, value = [int(j) for j in input().split()]
        log("Line n° %d" % (i + 1))

But the result is :

    ('Number of line 50',)
    ('0 11 1',)
    ('Line n° 1',)
    ('30 11 1',)
    ('Line n° 2',)
    ('3 6 1',)
    ('Line n° 3',)
    ('3 4 1',)
    ('Line n° 4',)
    ('3 3 1',)
    ('Line n° 5',)
    ('23 12 1',)
    ('Line n° 45',)
    ('23 13 1',)
    ('Line n° 46',)
    ('23 14 1',)
    ('Line n° 47',)
    ('23 15 1',)
    ('Line n° 48',)
    ('3 5 10',)
    ('Line n° 49',)

My program is waiting for one more input, and timed out.
This is weird because when I don’t give instructions to my IA, there is no problem.
I don’t read stdin somewhere else in my program.

Before my reading function, there is 49.92244318127632ms left.

It’s not a bug but an unfortunate side effect of how printing in python works - you do actually get all the data but your last print statement gets buffered and doesn’t send the output before timing out.

See: Spring Challenge 2020 - Bugs & Questions


But why can blue paper block red paper when blue rock is between?

Shouldn’t it be, first the blue pacs block each other, then red paper takes blue rock?

Collisions happen first, then we resolve the deaths. This is explained in the rules.

Noted. It is counter-intuitive.

It would be very nice to tweak player to clearly distinguish which part of turn is playing now - first common or second for speedy pacs. It’s absolutely unclear when all pacs are under speed bonus.
Some tick or label, one for all picture.

Thank you for your great work anyway.


Thank you to all players who took time to answer the questions of other players.

And sorry for all the performance issues during the first day of the challenge.

  • Unsafe mode for C# was fixed.
  • C template does timeout sometimes. It hasn’t been fixed yet.

Changes done in Silver league:

  • max length for a game is now 200 turns, and not 200 frames
  • dead pacs are given in input with the type “DEAD”

We’ve not found a solution to prevent properly the surge of games with the opening of the new league. However, we’ll promote less persons per second and there will be fewer matches in Silver until all promotions are done


Can you publish the referee patch on GitHub please?

We’ve published the changes on GitHub

Any local runner ready or are you waiting for me to hack one for https://github.com/dreignier/cg-brutaltester? :slight_smile:

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Changes done in Silver league:

  • dead pacs are given in input with the type “DEAD”

Why not having this for earlier leagues as well?

Maybe because they can’t die ? :slight_smile:

Pac can die in Bronze @Mackhdo

@EagleDawn It’s really not useful or important at this level. Having it in Silver breaks less bots.

I catched that sometimes the input does not include all ennemies, not only at the beginning but also after a while : some ennemies seem to really disappear from my inputs ?! --> is it normal, or there is a mistake/misunderstanding from my side ?

speed Bug.

  • Pac 0 used a speed boost.
  • Pac 1 used a speed boost.
    next turn
    Only pacs with the SPEED ability enabled can move:
  • Pac 1 moved to (6, 9).


You have to command the pacs with speed burst to move more than one spot, if you are only commanding to move one spot, there is nowhere else for it to go on the “free” move. You don’t get two commands, just up to spots to move.


Touché ! was thinking of bronze instead of silver.

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