Spring Challenge 2020 - Bugs & Questions

I think bosses after wood leagues are taken from real players submission so it’s possible that they are buggy sometimes. Not sure whether codingame patch them or not.

Clyde (Silver league boss) also “fail to provide 1 lines in time” sometimes

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Thanks, saw it too late and made my own cg-brutaltester local runner already:

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Is is possible to have a debug mode in the IHM ? (like the batman one and the rectangle of possibilites).
I seach it where I see in the description this picture.

Is it possible to continue working on your code and testing it against the challenge, even levels you didn’t reach, AFTER the challenge completes?

I simply don’t have the time to allocate to a challenge like this to be able to compete :upside_down_face:

Yes, you will probably find it in https://www.codingame.com/multiplayer/bot-programming some days after the challenge is over.

Regarding time out

The same for me.
It is very unpredictable. Very often I run my code and get this error; I enable my debug in System.err, so program is executed longer; battle is executed ok.

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This bug build false picture of leaderborad

Playing the game using Python3, - it seems like the pac_ids are the same? Or I am not sure how to extract the pac_id of my pac, so its looking like mine just follows the opposing pac around. Though that also could be a side effect if the opposing pack is given a pellet value (I am trying to compare value to distance for the next x,y)

Hi, I filled my school after the begining of the contest, so i’m not considered as part of it for the contest. is it normal?

Could someone confirm this is a bug in a platform?

If not, why the situation does not repeat all the time, but sometimes works?

If this is normal, what should I measure to check my code?

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There’s a bug when both players use SPEED the 2nd time. Speed is not working for the 2nd player: first player play twice while second plays only one.

example: https://www.codingame.com/replay/464042110

I would have a good look at your own code, you look like you are Sped up, I notice also on turn 4 pac 0 only moves once, likewise on turn 7&8 neither bot moves twice, you have to put in a position 2 moves away to get the benefit of the speed boost

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@javajim76 pac ids are the same for both players indeed. So you should check the variable “mine” too

@Pierrot_fr it’s not normal. I’ll add you to your school team.

@PawelLabaj could you give more details about your issue? I have trouble understanding when the timeout happens and when it doesn’t.

Hello @TwoSteps and @PawelLabaj,
I think I face the same issue than @PawelLabaj
I run a battle, and I face a timeout. I run the same battle (by clicking on “Rejouer dans les mêmes conditions” (Replay under the same conditions)), and the timeout disappear. The function that took > 50ms the first battle, takes less than 1ms the second battle.
1st battle : https://www.codingame.com/replay/464227754
2nd battle : https://www.codingame.com/replay/464235548

Thanks for all

Same code? Maybe too many prints in the console for one?


@lbadet exactly described my problem.

What do you mean by “Maybe too many prints in the console for one?” ?
I print only one order per pac. However I print some messages at the end of the order (coordinates). Do you think it ma cause the problem?

I meant error prints, sorry. It’s very likely the issue is in your code.

Hello @TwoSteps ,
Thank you for your answer

Yes, it is the same code for both battles

I will try to remove the logs (Console.Error.WriteLine())

Best regards

Hello @TwoSteps,

I’ve remove the logs but the issue is still there

Same code for both battles

Best regards