Spring Challenge 2021 - Bugs & Questions

The forum button in the left panel lead to the main forum page, not here. It should be changed.


I’m already in silver league which open on May 10th. I’m very proud !

Some typos in french :

“Faîtes entrer votre entreprise dans le top 100.
Invitez vos amis et faîtes péter le classement !”
2 x faîtes -> faites

" Ils sont responsable" => “Ils sont responsables”
“37 cases hexagonales, arrangée en un plus grand hexagone” => “37 cases hexagonales, arrangées en un plus grand hexagone”
“pour pointer vers la directions suivante” => “pour pointer vers la direction suivante”
2x" menaçante sur l’arbre petit" => " menaçante sur le petit arbre"
“Les points seront données” => “Les points seront donnés”
“chaque joueurs effectuent” => “chaque joueur effectue”
“ce qui signifies” => " ce qui signifie"
“aucun des deux graines n’est planté” => “aucune des deux graines n’est plantée”
“une graine est aussi considéré” => “une graine est aussi considérée”


Looks like a bug in winning conditions: the player who haven’t provide an input, won the match. I suppose any wrong output should lead to lose, current score doesn’t matter:

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Can’t able to Play My code.
Found the following error on console

48284453e60bbb98f5221d66f3b10840.html:67 Uncaught (in promise) Error: Could not load library, path not found: https://static-aznet.codingame.com/9c18438eadb420f360bbfeb5c53dca4f.js
at error (48284453e60bbb98f5221d66f3b10840.html:67)
at o (48284453e60bbb98f5221d66f3b10840.html:67)
at 48284453e60bbb98f5221d66f3b10840.html:67
at r (48284453e60bbb98f5221d66f3b10840.html:67)
at HTMLScriptElement.s.onload.s.onerror.s.onbeforeload (48284453e60bbb98f5221d66f3b10840.html:67)

Windows 10, chrome Version 90.0.4430.93 (Official Build) (64-bit)

I’m suffering from the grey screen instead of seeing the gameplay (Macbook Pro, MacOs Big Sur (11.3) Chrome Version 90.0.4430.93 (Official Build) (x86_64)

Top of Console dump follows. I see a note about webgl – is there a more concrete fix?

api2.amplitude.com/:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT
pushMessage.js:89 Log on pushmessage server as 829018
angular.js:15697 Possibly unhandled rejection: undefined undefined
(anonymous) @ angular.js:15697
api2.amplitude.com/:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT
angularjs.js:308 Starting language server for language cpp
angular.js:15697 Error: Timed out.
at cg-analytics.js:17
at angular.js:18075
at angular.js:18123
at c.$digest (angular.js:19241)
at c.$apply (angular.js:19630)
at angular.js:21773
at ji.t.completeTask (angular.js:21403)
at angular.js:6879 “Possibly unhandled rejection: {}”
(anonymous) @ angular.js:15697
api2.amplitude.com/:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT
index.js:29833 grammar not found source.asm
loadGrammar @ index.js:29833
index.js:29833 grammar not found source.x86
loadGrammar @ index.js:29833
index.js:29833 grammar not found source.x86_64
loadGrammar @ index.js:29833
index.js:29833 grammar not found source.arm
loadGrammar @ index.js:29833
index.js:29833 grammar not found source.cpp.embedded.macro
loadGrammar @ index.js:29833
​ Error: WebGL unsupported in this browser, use “pixi.js-legacy” for fallback canvas2d support.
a._initDrawer @ 48284453e60bbb98f5221d66f3b10840.html:67
​ Trying another canvas
​ TypeError: Cannot read property ‘resize’ of undefined
a._initDrawer @ 48284453e60bbb98f5221d66f3b10840.html:67
​ TypeError: Cannot read property ‘resize’ of undefined
(anonymous) @ 48284453e60bbb98f5221d66f3b10840.html:49
angular.js:15697 Error: Timed out.
at cg-analytics.js:17
at angular.js:18075
at angular.js:18123
at c.$digest (angular.js:19241)
at c.$apply (angular.js:19630)
at angular.js:21773
at ji.t.completeTask (angular.js:21403)
at angular.js:6879 “Possibly unhandled rejection: {}”
(anonymous) @ angular.js:15697
​ TypeError: Cannot read property ‘resize’ of undefined
(anonymous) @ 48284453e60bbb98f5221d66f3b10840.html:49
​ TypeError: Cannot read property ‘resize’ of undefined Possibly unhandled rejection: {}
(anonymous) @ 48284453e60bbb98f5221d66f3b10840.html:49
api2.amplitude.com/:1 Failed to load resource:

I think the comment on the Python portion of the code is backwards in relation to the is_dormant boolean. When it is set to 1 (True) you can perform actions on the tree, and when it is set to 0 (False) you cannot.

cc @alchemsti we have a fix to solve the gray screen issue. Updating our PIXI.js library will fix it, however upgrading the library is a slower process. It should be solved by tomorrow

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I can’t reproduce. Did you try with another browser? Any extension messing with the IDE maybe?

Thanks for the update!

I had turned off hardware acceleration in Chrome (Settings -> Advanced -> System) and turning that back on, and reloading this morning, let’s me see your beautiful UI :smiley:

Maybe this will help some others too.


please share a replay that shows this behavior

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Hello m’lads :slight_smile:

I believe there’s a slight inaccuracy in the statement of the contest that ought to be fixed. The instructions say (emphasis mine):

SEED: Command a tree to eject a seed onto a cell within distance equal to the tree’s size.

However, in the source code of the game we find (@https://github.com/CodinGame/SpringChallenge2021/blob/main/src/main/java/com/codingame/game/Game.java, lines 499-502):

int distance = sourceCoord.distanceTo(targetCoord);
if (distance > sourceTree.getSize()) {
    throw new TreeTooFarException(sourceCell.getIndex(), targetCell.getIndex());

So it would seem than an error is triggered only if the distance exceeds the source tree size. In other words, a distance less than or equal to the source tree’s size is admissible.

EDIT (a few minutes later after the post): Sorry :frowning:, I realize now that the instructions say “within a distance”, “within” being a key word here as it implies that any distance equal or lower is admissible. Since English is not my main language, I didn’t pick up the subtlety. Still, a less subtle wording may be clearer for other people.


thanks. It has been fixed yesterday evening

In the french rules, there is a typo:
EN: “Your program does not provide a command in the allotted time or it provides an unrecognized command.”
FR: "Vous effectuez une action invalide ou votre programme ne répond pas dans les temps. "

The defeat condition is the one in the english rules, with an “unrecognized command”. Playing a valid command that cannot be played (an invalid action as in the french rules) does not make the player to loose the game.


Hello ! Thanks for the challenge :slight_smile: It’s pretty similare to the boardgame called : “Photosyntethis” : https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/218603/photosynthesis
Is it volunter ?
Nice game by the way :slight_smile:


The c++ starter code breaks once the user reaches wood 1 - when parsing PossibleMoves it doesn’t read the indexes on Grow / Seed moves so the input gets out of sync.


Hello! I lose the game if I have no tree remaining on the board even if I lead the score:

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It seems your bot timed out in this replay, causing you to be eliminated. Check how it handles an absence of trees, it might have crashed.


Tried on edge too, similar result. Okay trying in chrome with all extension disabled

I tried to reproduce it and couldn’t. I’ll chalk this up to an error on my part. I should have known better and provided something more. My apologies.

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Hey, I’m a little confused by the statement.
It says that

They will find the shadow on a cell spooky if any of the trees casting a shadow is of equal or greater size than the tree on that cell.

So, in the picture below the following trees should be casting a shadow over
cell 23

  • The tree of size 3 on cell 7

  • The tree of size 2 on cell 8

Since both 7 and 23 are of size 3, I think 23 should be spooky.
It appears, however, that only the latest tree in the path of the sunlight is taken into account.

I am not sure whether that is a bug or that is how it’s supposed to work but I think the statement should be clearer in the latter case.
