Spring Challenge 2023 : Attack


Is it possible to have more explanation on how the attack work ?
As an experiment, I tried to put my ants on the opponent database and it didn’t work.
Should it be a chain connected to one of our bases ?
But only the value of the node in contact is accounted for to know if the enemy chain is broken ?
Thanks for your help !

P.S. In the rules, the picture to illustrate Attack does not correspond to the description

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For attack, to my understanding, you should have an uninterrupted chain of ants to your base, with the attack strength of that chain being the lowest number of ants of any of the cells of that chain.
So, to attack at someone’s base, like you planned, you should have an uninterrupted chain from one of your bases to that opponents base, and your lowest number of ants in that chain should be higher than the lowest number of ants in the chains from the opponent that start from that base.


The description and the picture said the same thing. However, I agree it’s confusing at first.

For each cells where both players have some ants, the referee will calculate the shortest path between this cell and each player bases. Then, it will get the value of the cell with the lowest value in this path (exactly the same how it calculate how many ressources you harverst from a cell). This value will be used as the “attack chain value” for this cell.

If a reproduce the picture in a more simple way:

Red player starting from base to the contested cell: 8 - 8 - 5
Blue player starting from base to the contested cell: 8 - 3 - 8

Red attack chain value = 5
Blue attach chain value = 3
Red win. The cell is considered to have 5 ants for red and 0 for blue

Red player starting from base to the contested cell: 8 - 8 - 5
Blue player starting from base to the contested cell: 8 - 9 - 8

Red attack chain value = 5
Blue attack chain value = 8
Blue win. The cell is considered to have 0 ants for red and 8 for blue

To me the problem is that the attack chain values in the example are both from the contested cell so it’s confusing.
A better second example for me could be:

Red player starting from base to the contested cell: 8 - 3 - 5
Blue player starting from base to the contested cell: 8 - 4 - 8

Red attack chain value = 3
Blue attack chain value = 4
Blue win. The cell is considered to have 0 ants for red and 8 for blue

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