Submit broken? (slow refresh after submit, rank/score refreshed after 1.5h)

I just submited PR2 and as usual i get many latest battles, but there is no progess of battles in percent in the top, also i’m listed as stable in the leaderboard and not as computing.
Also after finishing 150 battles my score/rank hasn’t changed a bit …

P.S. Looks like i have stabilized after 156 battles, at least i don’t get any new battles, but my score/rank hasn’t changed anyway

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Submit is now 40min ago, and still nothing changed …

Hey Tiramon, yeah, been happening since Friday. Been reported on Discord so staff are aware.

After 1.5h the score and rank changed

I did not experience this problem till the start of @thibpat`s unofficial contest. Are there a lot of people participating and submitting in PR2?

FYI, I’ve pinged the devs. We don’t know yet why this is happening