Suggestion: include unprintable characters in the error messages

One error message that comes up again and again in the Ragnarok - Power Of Thor puzzle discussion is the following.

Expected a movement (one of N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW) but found 'E'

A beginner can’t get anything from that error message. It would be a lot more helpful if that error message did include unprintable characters.

Expected a movement (one of N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW) but found '\0E'

Another example here where this could have helped.

For this error, is there also the case when it’s expected “E\n” and not “E” ?

I’m not sure if I understand your question.

In most languages you have to flush the output stream, or else your output just sits in a buffer and never gets printed. To do that you can either use the appropriate function (called flush or something similar) or end your output with a newline.

If you don’t do it you get the message that “your program didn’t provide any output”.

Fixed for in/out, coming soon for games!