There is something with my AI that I don’t really understand.
I didn’t submit anything new in 2 days.
For the 1700~ first battles everything seems fine, and AFAIK my AI was in the top 3.
But since the battle ~1700, suddenly my AI get timeout almost every time.
Is there anything new in the way the timeouts are checked ?
Can this be related to the load of servers at the end of the contest ?
FYI, if you need more data. Near the end of the contest I tested ~80 runs against your AI. I believe you have timed out in 3 or 4 out of ~80 during the first round. It didn’t happened before so something definitely changed with your submission in the last few hours.
Also, the result was 45 wins (for me), 29 losses and 6 ties
Thanks for the data.
What I found weird, is that I didn’t submit (or resubmit) anything in the last two days…
In the end I think there were enough matches after that to totally cancel the effect, so I’m fine with my final rank.
How your AI works ? Do you do tests until the timeout limit ? How do you check this limit ?
If you have a fixed amount of test, the problem is that at the rush hour, CodinGame servers are crying in a corner trying to not die. So your AI can’t do the same amount of tests as the normal time.
I used an any-time approach.
I checked the time using rdtsc (I handle 32b and 64b architectures), which is very fast, especially in a sandbox environment.
The time was checked frequently (something like every ~1ms) and I kept a reasonable margin before stopping the algorithm (100ms for first turn, and 10ms for others).
Rdtsc requires to hardcode the CPU frequency as a constant into the code, so if for some reason one server had a frequency lower than others, then it could explain what happened.
Another explanation is the time allocated for the first turn, which is always bigger that other turns. I didn’t seen it in the statement so I tried different values in order to guess it, and ended with a value of 1000ms (so with the margin my algorithm runs for 900ms the first turn). If the real value was not 1000ms but smaller, then it could also explain the timeouts (but then why did it fail just at some point near the end of contest ?)
We tried to add some Amazon machine at the end of the contest but they are sligthly differents as the ones provided by OVH. (2.9Ghz instead of 3.?Ghz).
We stop them to avoid more timeout for you, but they might be usefull to improve the calculations of end of contest. So be careful next time
I read somewhere that the check was done with a wall clock ; as RDTSC is CPU clock, it can explain the timeout I guess.
I had a few weird timeouts when I used clock() before taking gettimeofday(), but I’m still not sure if I initialized the tStart in the right place (juste after the parsing).
I’ve experienced an interesting issue, there were a few matches where my bot timed out, which was interesting, because the the cerr sent AFTER the cout was printed correctly, but the std out was missing.
RDTSC and getimeofday() measures wall clock time and RDTSC is the cheapest (in terms of used clock cycles) and most accurate way of measuring elapsed time. The only problem (mentioned by @eldidou) is that you need to know the clock frequency. Which is problematic when program is run on different machine, or there’s boost/power-saving mode enabled on the CPU, since both can dynamically change the clock frequency of the CPU. It’s great when you’re manually profiling the code, but it’s generally best to stay from it when running code in uncontrolled environment.
On the other hand, clock() uses CPU clock, and since you already know that competition used wall clock time, you know why it timed out
Yup, thats my point, it can hardly be considered as a reliable wall clock, as it depends on some CPU params (dynamic frequency scaling, CPU frequency variance on a cluster, virtualization?…)
I believe that the main issue here is the virtualized environment. RDTSC has no guarantee to be correctly virtualized, and you might get jumping values because of this. Also, unless the CPU has some very specific features (which are now common on latest intel CPUs to be honest), RDTSC even has no guarantees to be synchronized between cores, or monotonic between different p-states.
IMHO It’s better to rely on high level functions calls such as clock_gettime, gettimeofday, or std::chrono::high_resolution_clock that will be more reliable, especially on EC2. The performance penalty should not be noticeable, unless you want to measure very small blocks of code, which isn’t the case here.
I was using clock_gettime(), and had to set the margin at 80ms, because 85 already resulted in occasional timeouts.
even with 80ms, I have seen one timeout, out of a few hundred replays I viewed over the course of the contest.
This is probably not an issue with clock_gettime (be sure to use CLOCK_MONOTONIC). I am using std::chrono::high_resolution_clock, which is basically just calling the same function, and I use a 95ms timeout without any trouble ever.