Is CodinGame okay with players using GitHub Copilot or OpenAI Codex to play Clash of Code?
OpenAI Codex is a tool that lets you write natural language and it will output code, among other possible use cases. It’s not perfect but it is surprisingly good. Here is their demo if you want to learn more: OpenAI Codex Live Demo - YouTube
GitHub Copilot is a VSCode extension developed by Microsoft that makes using the OpenAI Codex API more convenient.
I don’t think the debate should be about whether using these tools is considered cheating or not. In my opinion, the competition, especially in Clash of Code, is an excuse for having fun learning/chilling.
Can the use of such tools have a negative impact on other players? It’s possible but I don’t think it will. On the contrary, it could spark some interesting discussions between players around these new tools.
What do you think?
I’m curious to know the opinion of regular Clash players too.
For the reverse engineering and shortest code, no problem. For fastest mode, yeah, I think it would be a problem if every one use it. But we are here to learn and have fun, not to compete. (are we ?)
In my opinion, the most awesome feature of CodinGame is you can compete, learn and have fun at the same time. Just don’t take Clash ranking too serious.
I think it’s valid to use tools and technology to code faster. That’s a natural part of being a good developer. There is already a lot of disparity in CoC just based your choice of language.