Winamax rules info

Hi, i’m trying to solve the Winamax puzzle, but i don’t understand the example in the Info Box.
It says:

For example, if the card distribution is the following:
Player 1 : 10D 9S 8D KH 7D 5H 6S
Player 2 : 10H 7H 5C QC 2C 4H 6D
Then after one game turn, it will be:
Player 1 : 5H 6S 10D 9S 8D KH 7D 10H 7H 5C QC 2C
Player 2 : 4H 6D

A war occurs due to 10D and 10H, so further three cards of each player are involved, 9S 8D KH and 7H 5C QC.
Player 1 wins the war and decks should be:
Player1: 7D 5H 6S 10D 9S 8D KH 10H 7H 5C QC
Player2: 2C 4H 6D

It’s like in the example 7D and 2C were involved in the war using four cards instead three.
I’m wrong?

Step 2 : war
If the two cards played are of equal value, then there is a “war”. First, both players place the three next cards of their pile face down. Then they go back to step 1 to decide who is going to win the war (several “wars” can be chained).

As you said, the war occurs due to 10D and 10H. Then 9S 8D KH and 7H 5C QC are added to in piles (you shouldn’t care what these cards are). After that they get back to step 1 which is pick the next card of your deck.
They pick 7D and 2C. 7D is better than 2C so player 1 wins all card on the piles.

And this is the end of the round, decks are:
Player1: 7D 5H 6S 10D 9S 8D KH 10H 7H 5C QC
Player2: 2C 4H 6D

Was this example helpful?

Oh yes! Now it’s clear!
Thanks a lot @yohannjardin! :smiley: