Winter Challenge 2023 - Puzzle discussion

From CG’s announcement on Discord:

Hi all! :wave:

If you missed the Winter Challenge or if you want to play again on the puzzles, you can see the puzzles on the event page here:

When you submit you will be able to see a detailed report just for you, including your code playback :slightly_smiling_face: Good luck on the puzzles!

So, I’ve opened this topic. Send your feedback or ask for help here!

I’ve just done it.
It’s not really a puzzle, if you quit and come back your code is lost.

I think it can be really interesting as a trainning for people having real recruitment tests, to discover the IDE. These people often ask on discord how they can train, we should tell them to do the winter challenge 2023.

I would have preferred to see the puzzles added in official CG puzzles (not all of them, the first ones are too easy).

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