ASCII art puzzle discussion

C’est exact à chaque fois que tu boucles dans ce cas on assigne la ligne contenue dans l’input à la variable row, ce qui fait que row n’est plus associé à la ligne précédente. Mais rien ne t’empeche d’associer l’input à chaque itération à différentes cases d’un tableau.

c’est ce que j’ai fais pour résoudre le probleme, mais lors des tests finaux, il y a 2 tests avec une palette d’ascii art que je ne vois pas (le test se fait en background); et donc en toute logique, le programme l’envoie dans la variable row, et pas dans la variable que j’ai moi meme créee, du coup je ne vois pas trop comment faire en sorte pour que ca marche au moment ou je commit mon code.

EDIT : ah ben en fait j’ai modifié la partie générée automatiquement pour que ca donne

l = int(input())
h = int(input())
t = input()
for i in range(h):

et j’ai juste changé la référence a la variable dans mon code pour que ca reference row, et maintenant j’ai 100% ^^ je pensais que lors du commit j’allais perdre les modifications sur le code généré automatiquement, mais apparemment ca n’est pas le cas !

Merci pour l’astuce, et bonne continuation ^^

in my program: if char != A-Z (before that it changes all small chars a-z to A-Z) then write ? … all cases work except 6th

i have no clue what needs to be done.

The goal of the problem is to simulate an old airport terminal display: your program must display a line of text in ASCII art.
You have to split strings, store them and recreate others. You can use data structures like arrays or hash tables.

More seriously, this type of comment doesn’t help anyone. Try to explain what you don’t understand.

I was stuck with the same issue and then… I noticed that the output must be on “one line” and not one “character” by line…
Because an example is better than broken English:
What I output when I was young and foolish:

What we must output when wisdom touch us:

Merci, ça m’a beaucoup aidé.

For some reason, even though I was passing a particular set of chars as the base ([A-Z] and ?) for the printouts, and seemingly changing any chars from outside this set to “?”, I still had to introduce a separate case to handle “.” and/or “,” for the Lorem Ipsum test to pass, dunno why, new to Lua. HTH. J.

Can anybody help me with case №5. (MANHATTAN with another ASCII representation).
I got error

Found: .----------------. .----------------. .-----------------
Expected: .----------------. .----------------. .-----------------.

I found letter “N” incorrect ASCII code. First row of this letter end incorrect (with ‘-’, but must with ‘.’) or i’am wrong?

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i need help with two tests. first the AB!!CD… what could there be wrong so i cannot pass it?
and the lorem ipsum … test. I couldnt pass them :confused:

Can’t pass ‘Test full alphabet in CAPS WMADXESFGIJVTHKNOBPLYQRUZ’.

If that matters, I’m using Ruby.

did you pass the AB!!CD and lorem?

Been awhile since I coded so came back to this site to refresh myself, working in C#, Was able to get a first test done, and then set it up to convert the string it reads into a character array so that each character is read individually, problem is when it writes to the console it looks like it merges, in the case of different letters it just looks like a large stack of #, when I try something like “EE” it will return this

so it looks like its stacking them together, and i cant seem to figure out how to edit it so that it would shows the Ascii E’s side by side instead

Any help would be appreciated

Print row by row instead of Letter by letter.

Everyone who is using “scanf” in C and having problem with Lorem Ipsum test, should look at this reply.

Ty Dogwon.

Same problem, my friend

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what does the 5th test test? (MANHATTAN with another ASCII representation)

It passes all but this one, but I can’t find any indication on what’s wrong.


Height H and Width L values are different than 4 and 5 in 5th test. However I have no idea if letters should be rescaled and how they should be rescaled. I would be grateful for explanation of the 5th test.

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I too initially wrote a complicated algorithm to rescale the letters for different heights and widths - the answer is far simpler: Look at the validation info for case 5, you’ll see that there’s an entirely different set of letter representations based on slashes and dashes like so:

| .--------------. |
| |      __      | |
| |     /  \     | |
| |    / /\ \    | |
| |   / ____ \   | |
| | _/ /    \ \_ | |
| ||____|  |____|| |
| |              | |
| '--------------' |


Can you please explain what you ended up doing for the Bash solution? I am not getting why it isn’t formatted correctly.
