In javascript I’m getting:
Found: "# # "
Expected: "# # "
How can it be expecting a 5 character result when L=4? Am I missing something?
In javascript I’m getting:
Found: "# # "
Expected: "# # "
How can it be expecting a 5 character result when L=4? Am I missing something?
Because ‘@’ is ASCII code 64 (one less than ‘A’, 65) and because of how substr(-1) works in JavaScript, the testcase with M@nh@tt@n succeeds even when I haven’t handled special symbols correctly. Could the testcases add an example with a symbol other than @ so that it is obvious that I’m not handling special symbols correctly? This confused me when the submission tests failed even though I didn’t hardcode the answer—I had just missed the detail about chars outside of [a-z], [A-Z].
90%, stuck on:
Test full alphabet in …
Any idea what can be wrong in this test while in all other tests it’s correct?
The 6th test “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,…” keeps failing, I think the spaces are the issue. What should the output be like, I tried replacing spaces in the ASCII-output with a “?”, with a single space, with 2 spaces, with 4 spaces, keeps failing. Test output looks good though…?!?
Replace a space with “?” is the way to go. Your algo may fail somewhere else.
Thanks for your reply. I have no idea why this single test fails, output shows “Lorem?ipsum?dolor?sit?amet???” in ascii when I test it (as a new user I cannot upload a screenprint)…
I’m the only one that use
I’ve got the common trouble with Lorem Ipsum.
I forced the input (“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,…”) on my program and the result is:
But, the three points are not the end, the phrase continues!
I’ve only increased my array data size and 100% is done!
I like this site, but I can’t seem to understand the concept of input and output of most of their games. I’m not sure how to ask for help regarding that issue, but I’m also having a hard time figuring what the ROW does in the code
try "### "
Don’t forget to add the space after the characters
Question about the letters in another representation, not really sure what should happen to each letter when the L and H change, should they get bigger? should there be more whitespace around them? and should the space after each letter grow bigger as well if the letters become more bold (if they are supposed to do that).
Have passed all the other tests, but can’t find any description or instructions on how the letters should look when the L and H change, my letters are all the same width and height.
Lors de l’entraînement facile ASCII ART, je ne peux pas passer le dernier test (Manhattan avec une autre représentation ASCII) avec Python 3. Il semble que la chaîne de caractères représentée en art ASCII pour ce test soit corrompue. Quelqu’un a t il déjà rencontré ce problème?
Il me semble que mon code est bon.
Merci pour votre aide!
I am having some minor issues with my code in In my “Do While” the game seems to be not recognizing it properly. For example
Do While i < H
Dim ROW As String = Console.ReadLine()
Dim beginIndex As Integer = 0
Dim endIndex As Integer = L - 1
group = ROW.Length() / L
Dim j As Integer = 0
Do While j < group
ascii.Add(ROW.Substring(beginIndex, L))
beginIndex = beginIndex + L
j = j + 1
i = i + 1
I am receiving the error:
“error VBNC90019: Expected ‘End’.”
Maybe this isnt directly related to the loop but the focus goes back to it. I can run this perfectly fine in my Visual Studio IDE. Any suggestions?
Je n’ai aucune idée de comment commencer, j’ai trouvé la table ASCII, mais ensuite comment dire qu’il faut tant de caractères pour le “E” par exemple ?
Tout dépend du langage.
La table qui donne le dessin est donnée par le jeu.
Mon langage est le PHP
La table des caractères est donnée, normalement.
Je pense que PHP sait ce qu’est une table de hashage (ou dictionnaire).
Salut, bon ça fait un peu tard mais tu entends quoi par “correspondant au code C” ? J’ai le code ASCII mais je ne vois pas comment faire en sorte de prendre la bonne lettre dans $ROW …
Dans le sujet il n’y a pas la table ^^
La façon dont tu dois écrire les caractères est lue par le programme, normalement.
Hi there, trying to learn Python 3 here. so far so good except this puzzle. Something seems really weird to me in the auto generated code given.
# Auto-generated code below aims at helping you parse
# the standard input according to the problem statement.
l = int(input())
h = int(input())
t = input()
for i in range(h):
row = input()
the row variable is supposed to be the whole ascii art palette, but when i print it, i only have one line, and looking at the code i’m wondering if something is missing. I cleared all tests by creating another variable with the whole ascii art palette and going my tests on them, but i obviously fail the “other art style” test, since i don’t use the one given to me.
/* -------------------------------------- */
Bonjour bonsoir a tous, je me remet actuellement à jour en me mettant au python 3 et j’ai donc décidé de tester les entrainements. Jusque la tout allait bien sauf pour ce test, ou quelque chose me parait vraiment bizarre dans le code fournit par défaut (voir la balise plus haut)
J’ai l’impression que la variable row est écrasée a chq boucle for et cette impression est relativement confirmée lorsque j’ai tenté un import pprint pour tester un affichage de toutes les variables globales et locales, la variable row ne contenait qu’une seule ligne d’ascii art… Du coup, est ce que je me trompe complètement, est ce que je passe a coté de quelque chose ? ou y a t il un petit bug a ce niveau la ? j’aimerai avoir quelques avis si vous avez un peu de temps a perdre ^^.
Merci d’avance