Clash of code - Try out after clash is over / search clash of code

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Currently after 15 min times out it automatically exits IDE. Which is flustrating when you’re still working on solution. Like you should scrap your work even if you are close to finish.

My idea is to let players stay in IDE, allowing to testing and pass submit tests for own satisfaction. Without ranking score. Timer let you know the time is over for ranking solution, but you can continue IDE as long as you want. Many cases are too hard to finish in 15 min, but is so interesting you want to finish them and check your final results even outside of contest


I agree, it would be nice to have some option to stay in the IDE after clash timeout. Maybe popup meesagebox with meaning: “Do you want to stay and solve the problem with no score”, or additional button “Submit current solution and stay in IDE”


Yeah, that would be awesome, more when you are actually trying to learn and not to score, it’s sad when you want to learn and keep trying and you just can’t :C

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OMG someone in the chat told me how to do it :scream:
You have to remember some key word from the title or the description of the challenge and look for it here

Then press in “view contribution on CodinGame”, then in the website press “Test in IDE

That way you can practice it forever :heart_eyes:


Hi everybody, i’ve been playing a lot of clash of code lately.
And i’ve been missing a functionnality to fully profit and learn from other coder finding better solutions than mine.
Indeed whenever i didn’t get 100¨% or created a code in a way messier way than the other coder, i always try to learn from them, but sometimes i don’t fully understandwhat their code do, so i want to try to decypher them on my own.
The problem is after a clash of code is finished , i cannot acces the input anymore.
Specifically, I bumped on a clash of code about reading sheet music written with dashes and 0 , and i’m unable to recreate the same kind of input since it had a clef (treble or bass) and i’m unable to draw them from memory.
One person managed to code it perfectly and i didn’t , and i wanted to understand their code better because right now is almost gibberish.
Is there a way to acces it or should this be implemented into the website ?

your link doesn’t work

The app went down after Heroku cancelled their free plan a while ago. You may use instead.


Thank you so much :pray:

I am not sure in what thread to post this question: I just played a COC, and would like to make a remark at it’s contribution page. How can I find back what clash it was? (or should I have looked during solving for the name of the author, and is that info not accessible after a clash?)

You’ll have to memorise/write down/take a screenshot of whatever info you can get during the clash. I’m not aware of any method for you to get it after the clash.

Ah shame. It was an intended reverse clash (no explanation), but I had to play it fastest mode (only first case visible). I think that is a mistake.

Is there no way i can get back the question of a previously attended clash? Sometimes i cant find the solution so i want to keep solving it after the clash ended but cant as i cant review the question.

Please refer to the most recent answers above.

Hi, can I view a test case or the clash question after clash is over? Or do I have to manually copy it while the timers going?

I try to solve it in an online compiler or read other people’s solutions, but if I don’t remember the sample input/output, I don’t know how to debug my code in the online compiler.

Please refer to the most recent answers above.

Can this be a feature request? lol
Seems like multiple people have asked over the years.
(I didn’t read the whole thread just the most recent answer, which said to memorise/write down/take a screenshot.)

Btw my question is a little different from the topic it was merged to.
Mine is about seeing a sample test case after clash over.
Theirs is about continuing to code after clash over. (I just use an online compiler and paste my code there. But yeah it would be more convenient to continue in game if possible.)

Did you check out the link quoted in one of the messages in 2023 above?

Thank you! Will use that.
Can the question with sample test be displayed on the clash over ranks page? (That way people don’t need to sift through search results.)
Can the best answer be pinned in a forum question? (So that link isn’t mid conversation)

No, there is no such feature in this forum.